Tech Note | Led Zeppelin
Condition Breakdown
Holy label
Market Square Arena
Indianapolis, Indiana
January 25, 1975
Disc 1:
1.Rock & Roll
2.Sick Again
3.Over The Hills And Far Away
4.The Song Remains The Same
5.The Rain Song
7.The Wanton Song
8.No Quarter
Disc 2:
1.Trampled Underfoot
2.Moby Dick
3.How Many More Times
4.Stairway To Heaven
5.Whole Lotta Love - Black Dog
Downloaded from Presence's server on 4-25-05.
From Underground Uprising:
2 CD set from fragmentary audience source of the Market Square Arena, Indianapolis gig on January 25, 1975. The sound for the most part is top heavy, with some treble distortion but reasonable well balanced. A fair number of cuts/fades are present - end of Song Remain The Same, start of the Rain Song, beginning of No Quarter and also fading out both Page's and Jones' solos in that number, the middle of Moby Dick, Page's main solo in How Many More Times and the very start of Stairway. Plant's vocals are pretty poor and the guitar work on the start of Over The Hills and the start of the Stairway solo is pretty shaky. On the plus side there are good versions of Kashmir - despite volume fluctuations, and Rock and Roll. The guitar solos on No Quarter, Trampled, and Black Dog are worth catching and the Wanton Song could be said to be interesting! Unfortunately this release is unlikely to encourage others to explore this under-represented early part 1975 with it's reputation for 'performance difficulties'. (Tony Gassett Nov 97)