Identifier | 5191737 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | DAT, FLAC |
Media Count | 1 |
Sound Rating | B |
Note | *Master* |
Source Info | SPt16 Cardioids > SP-SPSB-1 (roll-off @107hz, line in) > TCD-D100 (48kHz) > D8 > Edirol UA-1D > WaveLab > CDWav (tracking) > EAC > FLAC(16) |
Tech Note | The crackly noises in the beginning of Track 1 are inherent in the master (and I believe are due to some shitbag squirting beer all around him and unto my mics). The sound fluctuates during the first track due to the fact that the taper was suddenly engulfed in a mosh pit and had to squirm her way out. The taper had to change locations once again to evade a 2nd mosh pit eruption in front of her prior to "Change." Thus, there is a minor difference in the sound quality among some of the tracks. Additionally, the band was having problems with their sound all night. Chino's mic cut out several times during the show making his vocals barely audible at times. The bass also cut out a few times during the show. |
Trades Allowed | |
Taper Name | ToriphileMaria (Me) |
Deftones 2004-10-15 Earthlink Live, Atlanta, GA | |
Set 1 | Hexagram
Feiticiera My Own Summer If Only Tonight We Could Sleep Nosebleed Knife Party Change Be Quiet and Drive Around the Fur Engine No. 9 7 Words Can't Even Breathe Digital Bath Minus Blindfold Minerva Bloody Cape |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
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