Identifier | 5144976 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | SHN |
Media Count | 1 |
Note | All info for this show is unconfirmed & unsubstantiated. However, it is very clear that this show is not from the above date. But, this performance has been labeled as such for a long time & almost all traders and other individuals have this labeled as such. No one, at this time, is sure of where this came from nor is sure of source info. So, please take note. Hicks died later than Feb. 94. Unless Maynard is psychic, this is evidence that the date is wrong. Could this show/recording actually be 04.15.94 Atlanta?
Source Info | Unknown Analog Recording / Unconfirmed Date / Unconfirmed Venue |
Trades Allowed |
Tool 1994-02-07 The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA | |
Set 1 | Cold and Ugly
Intolerance Undertow Sober Prison Sex Swamp Song Sweat 4? Opiate Flood Bottom |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | Circulates misdated as 5/10/94 and 5/25/95, and as the Bootlegs "Tool's Power" and "Cold & Ugly" |