Identifier | 4902871 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Reference Number | 369351 |
Status | 1 |
Media Type | CDR |
Media Count | 2 |
Sound Rating | A+ |
Note | w/Jon Fishman on drums
I: Flux, Barber's Hint, Open Sesame, Blues in the Closet, Xeno Blast II: Dromedary*, Jovan, Jam>The Phoenicans>cuica jam>The Phoenicans, Nimbus, The Gourd E: Stockholm Smokepipe *--Dromedary has new, reworked & extended ending |
Source Info | DAT |
Tech Note | 2 |
Trades Allowed | |
Attendence | 0 |
Jazz Mandolin Project 2000-02-07 The Union Bar, Iowa City, IA | |
Set 1 | Flux, Barber's Hint, Open Sesame, Blues in the Closet, Xeno Blast |
Set 2 | Dromedary*, Jovan, Jam>The Phoenicans>cuica jam>The Phoenicans, Nimbus, The Gourd
Set 3 | E: Stockholm Smokepipe |
Comment | *--Dromedary has new, reworked & extended ending |