Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeSHN
Media Count1
Source InfoConversion: DAT > Archive/Python 4320NT > PCDAT (Beta 1.0) > Sound Forge 4.5 (Resample 48->44.1 With anti-alias filter) > shortn32
MicrophonesDr. Bobs on stage NAK 700s + more on stage mics mixed in for full spectrum, X/Y
Trades Allowed
KVHW 1999-12-18 Maritime Hall, San Francisco, CA
Set 1Why Can't We All Just Samba
From the Bass Up
My Favorite Things
Kissin' the Boo Boo
Hillbillies on PCP

Set 2
Set 3
CommentNo Ray White.
Chip Roland filled in on Keys.
Opened for Zero