Created AtTue Feb 08 2005 22:20:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
FOB Nakamichi 300 + CP-1 > Casio DA7 > VHS Hi-Fi > DAT; Recorded by Matt Hiles; Seeded by Brad Sall; Fixes and notes by Ben Mohr; Note: incomplete Set 2 (see notes); Original seed contained skipping in d1t12 from shn compression, fix seeded 1/27/01

posted 09/07/04 |
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SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
FOB Nakamichi 300 + CP-1 > Casio DA7 > VHS Hi-Fi > DAT; Recorded by Matt Hiles; Seeded by Brad Sall; Fixes and notes by Ben Mohr; Note: incomplete Set 2 (see notes); Original seed contained skipping in d1t12 from shn compression, fix seeded 1/27/01
Phish 1991-02-20 Kahootz, Richmond, VA
Set 1Buried Alive, Cavern, Possum, Squirming Coil, Tweezer, My Sweet One, Bouncin, Llama, You Enjoy Myself, Magilla, Golgi
Set 2Foam, Divided Sky, Guelah Papyrus
Set 3
CommentIncomplete Set 2