Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeflac
Media Count2
Note(^) = last time Act of Love has been played live to this date
(#) = last time Push Me, Pull Me has been played live to this date (the only other time it was fully played was on 8/29/98)

Recording Notes (FGE):
Some parts of 'Patriot' were made mono to remove mic bumps in one channel, while other parts were patched with the SS>D100 (sec L, row M) source to remove mic bumps in both channels. This results in a shifty sound, but it's better than the mic bumps or the constant loud talking/screaming throughout the SS source. There's also a channel shift at the beginning of 'Act of Love' that's on the CMII source and was not patched with the SS source due to equipment problems during the same section. Part of Corduroy was patched with the SS (2nd row) because someone talked to the CMII taper.
Digital Editing and Remastering: Fred Evans
Digital Editing (Gloria Steinem speech patching and retracking): Allen Robertson
Source InfoSonic Studios(DSM6) > Sony TCD-D100 (2nd row) > dat > cdr > dEQ > cdr ["Patriot" pre-show, Gloria speech, and first 1.2 songs are Countryman Isomax II > Sony PCM-M1 (Sec.F, row D) > dat > cdr > dEQ > cdr] > flac
Trades Allowed
Pearl Jam 1998-09-19 Constitution Hall [Voters for Choice], Washington, DC
Set 1Long Road
Act of Love
Hail Hail
Given to Fly
Not for You
All Those Yesterdays
Daughter/(Rockin' in the Free World)(WMA)^
Push Me Pull Me
Present Tense
Do the Evolution
Set 2E1:
I Got Shit
Better Man
Soldier of Love+
Set 3E2:
Yellow Ledbetter

CommentVoters for Choice benefit.

^ = performance found on "Live on Two Legs" release
+ = performance found on 1999 Holiday Single, Last Kiss single, and No Boundaries benefit CD

EV preshow solo: "I am a Patriot"