Created AtTue Feb 08 2005 22:20:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
FOB AKG 451 > Cass/0 > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN; SHN conversion by Mike Shumsky; Fixes by Ben Mohr

posted 05/17/04 |
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SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
23501990-02-25The 8x10 ClubBaltimoreMD
FOB AKG 451 > Cass/0 > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN; SHN conversion by Mike Shumsky; Fixes by Ben Mohr
Phish 1990-02-25 The 8x10 Club, Baltimore, MD
Set 1Foam
My Sweet One
Colonel Forbins' Ascent >
Fly Famous Mockingbird
Funky Bitch
The Squirming Coil
Bouncing Around The Room
David Bowie
Satin Doll
Rift *
Set 2Jeopardy Theme >
McGrupp And The Watchful Hosemasters
Makisupa Policeman
The Lizards
Big Black Furry Creatures From Mars
Set 3Sound Check:
Revival Jam
Donna Lee > Jam
Comment* With different music

Trey Anastasio - Guitar
Page McConnell - Keyboards
Mike Gordon - Bass
Jon FIshman - Drums