Identifier | 4145846 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 4 |
Note | This is the best known source of this show. A preFM > DAT > SHN copy was recently circulated, falsely claiming the sound was far
superior than this promo CD. However, even the most casual listening test proved that not to be the case. The preFM copies had heavy filtering and compression on the signal, and as such, higher frequencies were filtered out. This Promo CD source clearly sounded better; most notably the crispness of the vocals, drum beats, and guitars. The Encore Break and crowd noise before Long Road have been patched in from a preFM > DAT master, for an uncut show, start to finish. The aftershow at the Fritz has been retracked from the original source. |
Source Info | 98Rock Tampa Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC (cuts in Promo CD patched with pre-FM (satellite) > DAT-M > DAT2WAV) Aftershow Source: Pre-FM SBD > Promo CD > CDR > dEdit > FLAC |
Trades Allowed |
Pearl Jam 1996-11-03 Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany | |
Set 1 | Long Road Last Exit Animal Hail Hail Go Red Mosquito In My Tree Corduroy Better Man Lukin Mankind Hunger Strike Even Flow Daughter > Androgynous Mind > Noise Of Carpet Jeremy Sometimes Rearviewmirror Immortality Alive Blood > Fame > Suck You Dry E: Who You Are State Of Love And Trust Not For You Present Tense Leaving Here Yellow Ledbetter |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment |