Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number0003988339
Media TypeCD-R
Media Count3
Sound RatingA+
NoteTransfer:Sony PCM-R300>Zoltrix Nightengale via optical cable> Sound Forge 4.5h(record, 48-44.1 with anti-alias @ highest setting)>CDWAV(tracking)>mkwACT(seek tables appended)
**No DAE**

Edits: Master DAT had 26 instances of diginoise during Stash, and one during YEM, repaired by Eric Warren Fades in/out at beginning and end of sets added

Remaster: Remastered using Steinberg Magneto 1.5 and Loudness Maximzer in Sound Forge

Recorded by Kevin Shapiro, who provided DAT master clones for the transfer
Transferred and Remastered by Brian Feller
Source InfoDAUD, FOB, 20ft from stage, DFC Stand at 8ft height mic at 150 degrees Neumann RSM191A-S>Neumann MTX191A>Panasonic SV255(@48K)
Trades Allowed
Phish 1992-05-02 Cabaret Metro, Chicago, IL
Set 1Runaway Jim, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Icculus > Fly Famous Mockingbird, Sparkle, Reba, Maze, Bouncing Around the Room, Stash, The Squirming Coil, Llama
Set 2Glide, David Bowie, Tela, Foam, You Enjoy Myself, Chalk Dust Torture, Cracklin' Rosie, Cavern, E: Sleeping Monkey, B.B.F.C.F.M.
Set 3
