Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeCDR/SHN
Media Count1
Sound RatingA
Source InfoSBD: DAT (pre-FM) -> DAT -> CDR -> EAC -> SHN (seekable)
Tech NoteFun, playful studio bits with Jerry and David, interspersed with their comments in an NPR interview. The interesting part of the interview (and perhaps disappointing for some) is that the interview questions aren't on the recording, only their responses. Sometimes it's clear what the question was from the response, sometimes less so.
Trades Allowed
Taper NameEAC/SHN by 02/03
Garcia & Grisman 1993-09-17 NPR Studios, New York, NY
Set 1Jenny Jenkins roughs, Interview, Shady Grove, Interview, Jenny Jenkins, Interview, So What
Set 2
Set 3
CommentOuttake and Interview with Fresh Aire, National Public Radio. The first Jenny Jenkings is a Not For Kids Only outtake. The rest consists of a lengthy interview during which Jerry and David play a few songs. Information courtesy of The Jerry Site.