Tech Note | Source: SBD/AUD Mix
Soundboard (mono) -> Mackie 1402 (signal attenuation) -> Mytek 8x96 ADC ->
RME Hammerfall DSP Multiface (pass thru) -> Asus M3N Notebook -> Nuendo @ 44.1khz/24bits
Schoeps MK2 -> Reutelhuber PA/PS -> Mytek 8x96 ADC -> RME Hammerfall DSP
Multiface (pass thru) -> Asus M3N Notebook -> Nuendo @ 44.1khz/24bits
dithered to 16bits using Nuendo w/Waves L2
Recording and mixing by David Avery (
Note: First song starts with audience recording and fades into sbd/aud mix. |