Identifier | 3632644 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Reference Number | 0002284900 |
Status | 1 |
Media Type | ana |
Media Count | 1 |
Sound Rating | B |
Note | Eddie Walker
Zak & Sara Annie Waits The Luckiest ->Short Bus Benny ->One Angry Dwarf... The Secret Life of Morgan Davis One Down The Ascent of Stan Army Philosophy -> (introduced as "bob guildoff's nuts", w/ Dr. Pyser in the ending) ->some song about Libby (the girl that gave him a sweat band) Narcolepsy Army Fred Jones Pt. 2 Selfless, Cold, and Composed Kate Rockin' the Suburbs -> (introduced at "bob seager", with long jazzy ending) Not The Same ->(w/ audience harmonies) (Encore) Emaline Evaporated SFTD (G minor) |
Source Info | ana |
Tech Note | 1 |
Trades Allowed | |
Attendence | 0 |
Ben Folds 2002-06-17 Tremont Music Hall, Charlotte, NC | |
Set 1 | |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment |