Identifier | 3043866 |
Created At | Sun Jul 13 2003 19:06:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | CDR |
Media Count | 3 |
Show Rating | 2 |
Trades Allowed |
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
17638 | 2003-05-25 | Summer Camp, Three Sisters Park, The Barn | Chillicothe | IL | |
Source: Matrix Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 (FOH) > Focusrite Red Preamps + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Sony R500 > Digital Patchbay > Sony D8. Transfer: DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN. Taped and transferred by Jeff Kempka, mixed by Kevin Browning. ...a Team Umphreaks SHN. |
Umphrey's McGee 2003-05-25 Summer Camp, Three Sisters Park, The Barn, Chillicothe, IL | |
Miss Tinkle's Overture > Mulches Odyssey, Resolution > jam > 2x2, Dump City, Ringo > jam^ > It's About that Time jam^ > jam* > Ringo, The Triple Wide** > Andy's Last Beer, Rock N Roll Ain't Noise Pollution$ > JaJunk > Thunderstruck$$ > JaJunk > One$$ > Jajunk > "Jimmy Stewart"% > The Crooked One, Nothing Too Fancy > jam^^ > Nothing Too Fancy, Mercedes Benz&, Solfegietto&&, Syncopated Strangers%% Encore: #Last Man Swerving |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | three hour set
^ with Oteil Burbridge replacing Ryan on bass, Al Schnier on melotron/synth, and Jim Loughlin on percussion * with Chuck Garvey on guitar, Mark Kimbrell (Oteil & the Peacemakers) on guitar, Oteil Burbridge on bass, Vinny (moe.) on drums, and Jim on percussion; all of Umphrey's left stage, returning for Ringo ** with Meat (moe.) jam $ first time played, AC/DC; just one verse $$ two minutes of each were played and sung % akin to the 03.21 Set Two "Jimmy" ^^ with Ian Goldberg on bass, replacing Pony & solo by Eliot Peck && Joel only, around one minute in length %% with a section dedicated to Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes # with Panama tease |