Tech Note | Phish
Bogarts, Cincinnati, OH
Source: Neumann KM140>Sony D5>Cass1>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN
Except Rift, which is from an unknown analog source.
Analog>DAT>CDR transfer done by C. Ventura. CDR>EAC>SHN done by J. Barnes.
This show is in low circulation. Good show from a good tour.
This has been circulated on analog, though very little. There is also a
SBD2>CDR version of set 1 that circulates, though if is mastered too fast.
Although this is by no means a perfect recording, this is the best circulating.
Perhaps due to this, a better copy will appear, along either the 5-5-92 Bogarts show.
Disc One:
Fee >
All Things Reconsidered
Split Open and Melt
Bouncing Round the Room
Uncle Penn
Chalkdust Torture
The Horse > Silent in the Morning
Sweet Adeline
Run Like an Antelope
Disc Two:
Guellah Papyrus
Mike's song > I Am Hydrogen >
Weekapaugh Groove
It's Ice
My Sweet One >
Big Ball Jam
Disc Three:
Cracklin' Rosie
Take the A-Train
E: Bold as Love
* Rift is from an unknown source, cuts in at the "last night" vocals.
** Cut in Fluffhead at 1:45 appx.
Rift was cut from the dat copy, so is replaced here from an
unknown analog audience source.