Tech Note | Due to a glitch in the console they were using I was only
able to record onto 6 tracks. I knew the kick drum would be an issue
with the drum mix I was getting from lesser being it was outside and
the kick was going to have to be eq'ed with a bit more high end than
usual to make it carry out there like that. So I had that put on one of
the aux sends, but instead of the kick I was getting aron's vocals.
The other track that wasn't working was Jon's vocal. Instead of his
vocal I was getting sammy's hi-hats. Which explains why Jon's vocals
are missing from the beginning of Hot Air Balloon. Lesser and I
couldn't figure out why it was doing that so i just had him throw
jon's vocal on the main vocal group he was sending me and adding
the kick to the drum mix. There're also a couple instances of static
coming from marc's bass channel and the keys channel that I was
getting from the board.
Once I had the dats transfered I then took the wav's and dumped them
into my Wavelab program and did what I could to polish them up a bit
and add a little more punch to the mix. Did a bit of eq'ing, added some
compression and reverb, and improved the stereo imaging a little bit.