Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
NoteThis is another installment of the Music Never Stopped Project.
Known flaws:
Jack Straw begins immediately, though there is no music missing.
Digi-sizzle in Jack Straw at 5:07, <1/4 second, left channel only, not edited.
Scarlet fades in, missing only a few seconds.
A little sizzle in Scarlet at 1:49 and 1:53, which I judged not significant enough to fix.
Serious intermittent sizzle in Scarlet 4:14 to 4:49, patched with FOB Soundfield source.
There were significant channel imbalances between left and right that varied from track to track, and at times within tracks. I have done my best to balance these.
Scarlet had serious balance problems and what sounded like radio interference for the first 6:54. Despite several attempts at balancing and eliminating the problems in the left channel, I was unable to fix this satisfactorily, and settled for duplicating the right channel. Scarlet, therefore, is in mono for the first 6:54.
A tiny crackle in Ship of Fools at 6:43.
A few bouts of static from 10:23 of Corrina to 0:06 of drums, about eight seconds total.
Very quick dropout in drums at 2:00.
The EQ on this show was terrible, and while I wouldn't ordinarily muck with the original, this one was sufficiently depressed in the higher octaves that I took liberties so that more people might enjoy the recording. If you have access to an equalizer and want to reverse my shenanigans, in the first set there is a +6 dB shelf centered at 2K Hz, declining to zero at 1K Hz and 20K Hz. In the second set, there is a +3 dB shelf at 2K (again declining to zero at 1K and 20K) -- this EQ begins with drums and continues for the remainder of the set.
All editing in Peak.
Other issues:
Ship of Fools and Corrina are not faded, so those who prefer to split the disks between drums and space may do so easily.
Source InfoSBD
Trades Allowed
Grateful Dead 1993-06-21 Deer Creek Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Set 1Jack Straw
Friend Of The Devil
Black Throated Wind
Loose Lucy
So Many Road
Promised Land
Set 2Scarlet Begonias >
Fire On The Mountain
Man Smart (Woman Smarter)
Ship Of Fools
Corrina >
Drums >
Space >
The Last Time >
Black Peter >
Around & Around
I Fought The Law
Set 3
CommentSting opened

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums