Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count1
NoteTransfer: Sony D8-> Delta Dio 24/96 via coax-> Soundforge 4.5 (resampled to 44.1khz)->
CDWave for track splits-> mkwACT for shnning
Transferred By: Jim Pollock (
A little history (for those who care):

This set was the second of three that SCI played at their first (and only to date) Merlefest.
It was played at about 1PM during a pouring rainstorm. It didn't seem to stop the action and
to this date remains probably the single best set of SCI I've had the honor to witness.

This DSBD surfaced a little while back. Merlefest is a notoriously non-taping festival, to
the extent that when JonO extended a patch at the Main Stage on 4/27, festival authorities
made him pull it back. It is essentially flawless, aside from a few spots of static here
and there which are minor, but should be noted. I would assume they are related to the
miserable weather that was happening.

For the transfer, I ran the Clipped Peak Restoration tool in Soundforge to remove some of
areas where my tape was overblown. In addition, the first two minutes of the show were
balanced from a level standpoint with how the rest of the show sounds. I hope you enjoy
the results of the work and hope this set brings you as much enjoyment as it has brought me.
Source InfoDSBD
Trades Allowed
String Cheese Incident 2000-04-28 Merlefest, Wilkesboro, NC
Set 1San Jose, Stingray, Steampowered Aeroplane^ > jam > Birdland, Round The Wheel > One Love
Set 2
Set 3
CommentEarly set with Sam Bush
Played on the Hillside Stage