Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeCDR
Media Count2
Source InfoDAUD with CAD Equitek 200 in ORTF>Graham Patten DMIC
Tech NoteJacob Kosakowski, who taped the show, states: "i taped a different all thumbs show, this one 2/2/02 at the double door in chicago. like the show being offered, there is some noticeable crowd noise, worse at parts, but thats because steve for some reason had the show mixed really low. he let me set up my rig in front of the board and my mics were about 10 feet up, but the audience is still unavoidable (even though at the peak there might have been 200 people there). but since i was one of two tapers (the only one using 2 mics and a preamp/coverter) it should be offered up for posterity."
Trades Allowed
All Thumbs Trio 2002-02-02 Double Door, Chicago, IL
Set 1E Minor Swing, Lonesome Johnny Blues, Water of Love, Radio Song, Shake Your Hips, Gentleman's Blues, Hi and Lo, Redlands Reel, Mexico, I'm Only Sleeping, Love To Django

Set 2Little Wing, Stick Shifts and Safety Belts, Long Tall Pine Tree, Meth Mountain Hop, It, I'm Gone

Set 3