Tech Note | -- FLAWS EXIST, AND ARE NOTED BELOW (none are flaws of the digital domain) --
SBD -> Cassette Master -> DAT
An alternate source of this show circulates, though it is partial: missing Oh Kee Pah
and Suzy; first set ends after Mockingbird. Also, this source has a TON of high-end
roll-off (or NR) applied to it, making the buzz seem like bad tape hiss and also making
the recording very bassy and devoid of high end. (Thanks Ben!)
Bill's RCA SBD patch was given to him as a friend of Page; apparently, no other SBD patches were given.
There are no known AUDs of this show. Kindly let me know if you have one, or know of one.
Transfer and Lineage Detail:
Cassette mastered (by Bill H.) on an unknown "vintage 80s 3-head Nak deck (not a DR-1)" ->
Maxell XL-II cassette ->
Played back by a Nak DR1 deck ->
Recorded to DAT on Sony R500 DAT w/SBM* (by Clay Ellwood) ->
Cloned on Sony R500 + Tascam DA20 MKII @ 48KHz ->
Jeff Ishaq's (my) first gen DAT clone ->
Playback on Fostex D5 ->
optical cable -> HOSA ODL-276 -> coax cable ->
Waveterminal 2496, hardware downsampling to 44.1KHz ->
CoolEdit 2000 (noise reduction and fixes done here) ->
CDWave 1.6 > WAV > mkwACT 0.97b1 > SHN v3
*: SBM is Super Bit Mapping, a Sony 16-bit to 20-bit upsampling algorithm.
Mastered by Bill H.
Original DAT seed from Clay Ellwood (thanks!)
Transfer, notes, noise reduction, and Dankseeds upload by Jeff Ishaq
Noise Reduction notes:
There was a terrible high-pitched buzz that ran from [start -> d1t08 08:23] and [d1t10 01:58 -> end]. I applied a notch filter in Cool Edit 2000 to these two passages to reduce the noise, the downside of which was a slight attenuation in the high-end such as cymbal/high-hat. I think this recording was a little heavy on the high-end anyway, so perhaps this wasn't a downside after all -- you be the judge: you can hear the notch filter kick in again at d1t10 01:58.
I also manually removed numerous pops, the exact locations of which are at the end of this info file.
*Dankseed Certification received 2001-11-20*
and posted at
Listening test performed by *5* danksters
positive criteria met:
Tracking- OK
Seamless and complete- OK
Lineage listed- OK
negative criteria met:
Resampled- NO
Diginoise- NO
~: Tapeflip cuts-into Possum
Unfixable Flaws: (these are all very subtle)
d1t07 01:22.478 -> 01:22.481 partial dropout
d1t08 08:14 -> 08:29, 08:38: feedback and a little crackle/static
d1t10 01:55 -> 01:57, crackle/static
d1t11 00:11.423 -> 00:11.484 three very short (< .03 sec) dropouts, sounds like one
d2t06 04:15.892 -> 04:16.513 00.62-sec faded d/o (tapeflip?)
Fixed flaws:
07:30.203 -> 07:30.208 pop removal - stereo
08:30.606 -> 08:30.606 pop removal - right channel
13:21.707 -> 13:21.592 pop removal - stereo
14:51.534 -> 14:51.534 pop removal - left channel
00:40.739 -> 00:41.416 right channel flutter improvements
01:05.895 -> 01:05.896 pop removal - stereo
05:57.810 -> 05:57.834 left channel flutter improvements
02:24.070 -> 02.24:071 pop removal - stereo
03:33.162 -> 03:32.850 pop removal - stereo
00:48.593 -> 00:48.593 pop removal - stereo
05:23.708 -> 05:23.708 pop removal - stereo
06:48.643 -> 06:48.359 pop removal - stereo
07:25.393 -> 07:25.394 pop removal - right channel
00:25.110 -> 00;25.111 pop removal - left channel
01:49.761 -> 01:49.761 pop removal - stereo
07:07.188 -> 07:07.188 pop removal - stereo
11:26.430 -> 11:26.431 pop removal - stereo
00:05.782 -> 00:06.783 pop removal - stereo
00:16.364 -> 00:16.364 pop remoavl - right channel
02:54.353 -> 02:54.354 pop removal - stereo
04:40.166 -> 04:40.167 pop removal - stereo
01:33.045 -> 01:33.047 pop removal - left channel
02:45.601 -> 02:45.602 pop removal - stereo
06:07.163 -> 06:06.164 pop removal - stereo
02:53.156 -> 02:53.156 pop removal - left channel |