Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeSHN
Media Count6
Note* This is my compilation. If it's too long for you, I suggest getting the Whole Lotta Jack compilation made by Ben Gezon (crowd noise is edited).. Oh, and JOAT is a very good compilation as well (earlier compilation).
Source InfoCDR > WAV > MKWAT > SHN
Tech NoteSOURCE: (various...) > SHN (various shows with different sources that I have of Jack's.. All of which you can find on my list --- Compiled by: Mary K. Zuiker (email - Conversion: CDR > EAC > WAV > MKWAT > SHN
Trades Allowed
Taper NameCompiled by Mary Zuiker (moi)
Jack Johnson 2002-??-?? Compilation: BEST o' JACK, Various, Various
Set 1

01. Who Knows [05.15.02]
02. Cupid [05.15.02]
03. Please Me Like You Want To @ [05.15.02]
04. Secret Heart # [05.15.02]
05. Dreams Be Dreams $ [05.14.02]
06. Rodeo Clowns w/ whistles [05.07.02]
07. We Are Gonna Be Friends % [05.07.02]
08. Flake (solo acoustic) [BOAT]
09. Who Do You Love? > Stones in My Passway > & [05.02.02]
10. Mudfootball & [05.02.02]
11. "Rainy Day Women" Sing-a-Long *+ [05.02.02]
12. Walk on the Ocean (w/ Glen Philips) [02.16.02]
13. Flake "" [02.16.02]
14. High Tide, Low Tide ^^ [02.16.02]
15. Pirate Looks at 40 :} [02.14.02]
16. Cupid [02.14.02]
17. Cupid (retry) [02.14.02]
18. Express Yourself // [02.14.02]
19. "Mason is awesome" intro [02.10.02]
20. Livin' in the Moment = ^ [02.10.02]
21. Plastic Jesus / Fall Line = [02.10.02]
22. "This and That" intro [10.04.01]
23. This and That [10.04.01]
24. Bubble Toes > [05.25.02]
25. Stir It Up ^^ > [05.25.02]
26. Bubble Toes [05.25.02]
27. Flake w/ Nick Forrester on slide guitar [TRIP 2, 01.21.02 - ETOWN]
28. Don't Let Me Down (solo) [02.13.02 - The Fillmore]

@ Ben Harper cover
# Ron Sexsmith cover
$ New Song
% White Stripes cover
& w/ DJ Logic
* w/ Galactic
+ Bob Dylan cover
= w/ Mason Jennings
^ Mason Jennings song
"" w/ Ben Harper
:} Jimmy Buffet cover
^^ Bob Marley cover
// made famous by NWA

Disc 2:

01. Inaudible Melodies / Fall Line (David Letterman) [06.05.02]
02. "Big Hat" dialogue [04.26.02]
03. Band / Ben Harper intro / applause [04.26.02]
04. Flake @ [04.26.02]
05. Who Knows @ [04.26.02]
06. Trenchtown Rock % > Garden Grove & > Ring the Alarm [05.14.02]
07. Who Do You Love? > Stepping Stone + > [05.15.02]
Stones In My Passway > Fallin' Up $
08. Nothing # [05.15.02]
09. Sexy Plexi (Me & Julio) ^ [02.14.02]
10. Tomorrow Morning [02.14.02]
11. Wasting Time [02.14.02]
12. Gone [02.14.02]
13. Livin' in the Moment ~ [02.14.02]
14. Who Knows ? [03.25.02]
15. Don't Let Me Down * ! [TRIP 2, 01.21.02]
16. Bubble Toes (acoustic) [TRIP 2, 02.07.02]
17. Flake [TRIP 2, 02.08.02]
18. Cookie Jar [11.08.01]
19. "Mason" talk [11.08.01]
20. Losing Hope [08.15.01]
21. Slammin' and Bangin' = [06.29.01 - 4th and B]
22. Sad to Know (That You're Leaving) // [05.14.02]
23. Times Like These [05.14.02]
24. Welcome Back - Jack [05.14.02]
25. Providence > Posters [05.14.02]
26. Holes to Heaven [05.14.02]
27. Instrumental #3 [BOAT]

@ w/ Ben Harper
% Bob Marley cover
& Sublime cover
+ G.Love & Special Sauce cover
$ Black-Eyed Peas cover
# Mason Jennings cover
^ Simon & Garfunkel cover
~ w/ Mason Jennings
? w/ Michael Payne of ?
* Beatles cover
! w/ Alana Davis
= Bob Dylan poem
// Gregory Isaacs cover

Disc 3:

01. Flake (song meaning, wrote w/ Kim) [Latitude 32 Radio Show]
02. Drink the Water [01.29.00]
03. Sexy Plexi % [02.24.01]
04. Mediocre Bad Guys [02.24.01]
05. Rodeo Clowns (good drum solo) [02.24.01]
06. Bubble Toes [02.24.01]
07. Franky & Albert (fast version) [02.24.01]
08. F Stop Blues > "Quick Sand" talk [10.23.01]
09. The News > "9-11 interpretation" > [10.23.01]
10. The News [10.23.01]
11. Plastic Jesus / Fall Line @ [10.23.01]
12. Livin' in the Moment @ [10.23.01]
13. jam > Holes to Heaven [10.28.01]
14. Middle Man (drum jam) [10.28.01]
15. Trenchtown Rock # > Garden Grove $ > Ring the Alarm [10.28.01]
16. Flake [03.03.01]
17. Tomorrow Morning > "Somebody on stage" > false start > [11.15.01]
18. Tomorrow Morning [11.15.01]
19. Bubble Toes > "Girl made me mess up" [11.15.01]
20. "Girl up on Me, hard to sing" > Wasting Time [11.15.01]
21. Pirate Looks at 40 * [11.15.01]
22. Losing Hope (acoustic) [07.10.02]
23. Drums Solo > Rodeo Clowns [07.10.02]

% w/ violin?
@ w/ Mason Jennings
# Bob Marley cover
$ Sublime cover
* Jimmy Buffet cover

Disc 4:

01. Instrumental # 1 [BOAT]
02. Instrumental # 2 [BOAT]
03. Gone (solo) [07.16.01]
04. Losing Hope [07.16.01]
05. Trenchtown Rock @ > Garden Grove # > Ring the Alarm [07.16.01]
06. "Honey Wine" ~ [LULLABIES]
07. "Dreams" ~ [LULLABIES]
08. Instrumental [LULLABIES]
09. "Jingle All the Way" ~ [LULLABIES]
10. Rodeo Clowns [02.24.01]
11. Mudfootball > "Big Hats" dialogue [02.24.01]
12. Taylor [02.24.01]
13. "Jack's Paper He Didn't Do" > Inaudible Melodies [02.24.01]
14. Three is the Magic Number (new song) [06.22.02]
15. Sexy Plexi (Me & Julio %) * [06.22.02]
16. Stepping Stone $ > Rodeo Clowns (w/ DJ Logic) [06.22.02]
17. Trenchtown Rock @ > Garden Grove # > Ring the Alarm * [06.22.02]
18. It's All Understood [05.06.02]
19. Times Like These [05.06.02]
20. Cissy Strut > Express Yourself + [05.06.02]
21. Rocky Raccoon & [05.13.01]
22. "happy bday" > Bubble Toes [05.13.01]
23. Drink the Water [02.15.01]
24. Bubble Toes (fast version) [02.15.01]

@ Bob Marley cover
# Sublime cover
~ Jack on Guitar
$ G.Love & Special Sauce cover
% Simon & Garfunkel cover
* new verse added
+ made famous by NWA
& Beatles cover

Disc 5:

01. Plastic Jesus > Fall Line ~ [11.15.01]
02. Livin' in the Moment ~ ! [11.15.01]
03. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer [12.07.01]
04. Flake * [12.07.01]
05. Mudfootball * (acoustic + drums) [12.07.01]
06. Times Like These [12.07.01]
07. Stepping Stone @ (??? unknown date, on [12.07.01]
08. Who Do You Love > Stepping Stone @ (Foxey Lady tag) > [07.10.02]
Stones in My Passway > Who Do You Love? > Trenchtown Rock # >
Garden Grove $ > Inaudible Melodies > Fall Line
09. Tomorrow Morning > Wasting Time [07.10.02]
10. Bubble Toes > Stir It Up # [05.09.02]
11. We're Gonna Be Friends (solo) % [05.09.02]
12. Pirate Looks at 40 ^ [05.09.02]
13. Rodeo Clowns (w/ whistles) [05.09.02]
14. Who Do You Love? > Stones in My Passway > VooDoo [05.09.02]
15. Moonshine Conspiracy intro / street rhythm (ADAM TOPOL - SEPT. SESSIONS SDTRK)
17. Moonshine Conspiracy intro / Jack acoustic (THICKER THAN WATER SDTRK)
18. Jack acoustic (THICKER SDTRK)
19. Jack acoustic / Jessica - (Natural Calamity)/ Jack acoustic (THICKER SDTRK)
20. Jack acoustic (THICKER SDTRK)
21. Jack acoustic / Ei Reka E - (The Tahiti Choir) (THICKER SDTRK)

~ w/ Mason Jennings
! Mason Jennings song
@ G.Love and Special Sauce cover
# Bob Marley cover
$ Sublime cover
% White Stripes cover
^ Jimmy Buffet cover

Disc 6:

01. Please Me Like You Want To % (w/ Ben Harper) [08.28.03]
02. Gone (w/ Ben Harper) [08.28.03]
03. High Tide, Low Tide $ (w/ Ben Harper) [04.10.03]
04. Stepping Stone (w/ G.Love) [06.13.03]
05. Mudfootball (w/ G.Love) [06.13.03]
06. VIDEO - Sexy Plexi [04.06.01]
07. VIDEO - Flake w/ Ben Harper (Jay Leno) [03.15.02]
08. VIDEO - Flake (solo) (VH1 - Late World w/ Zach) [03.19.02]
09. Waiting on You [04.21.02]
10. Bubble Toes > Don't Rock the Boat $ [04.21.02]
11. VIDEO - Flake w/ Ben Harper (MTV Video) [04.26.02]
12. VIDEO - Inaudible Melodies / Fall Line (Letterman show) [06.05.02]
13. Excuse Me Mr. % [11.18.02]
14. Bubble Toes > Stir It Up $ > Please Do Not Go & [11.18.02]
15. Further On Down the Road (Ramble On) [11.18.02]
16. Plastic Jesus > Fall Line > Where Do the Children Play # [05.14.03]
17. Never Gonna Give You Up {} > Holes to Heaven [05.14.03]
18. Mediocre Bad Guys [05.14.03]
19. Traffic in the Sky [05.14.03]
20. VIDEO - The Horizon Has Been Defeated (Letterman show) [05.15.03]
21. Please Me Like You Want To % (Jack solo) [05.20.03]
22. The News > Natural Mystic $ [05.20.03]
23. Good Feeling * [05.22.03]
24. Girl I Wanna Lay You Down @ [05.28.03]
25. The Horizon Has Been Defeated > Badfish + [06.27.03]
26. Sexy Plexi > Just What I Needed (verse) = [08.10.03]
27. Stepping Stone ~ [08.10.03]
28. Plastic Jesus > Fall Line > Spring Wind ! [08.10.03]

% Ben Harper song
$ Bob Marley cover
& Violent Femmes cover
{} Musical Youth cover
# Cat Stevens cover
* new song / new cover
@ with Zach from Animal Liberation Orchestra
+ Sublime cover
= The Cars cover
~ Innocent Criminal Jeremy Yeats guests on keys
! Greg Brown cover
Set 2
Set 3
Comment* I was just planning on making a 5-disc BEST o' JACK. But due to popular demand, I decided to add one disc at a time in SHN format to add onto this BEST o' JACK. Making an unending catalog of good Jack tunes :)

* This is just some cds that I'm making a compilation of. I didn't convert anything to mp3 files, it's all burned straight. It took a while, but I'm pretty proud of them. They're from everything I own of Jack on my list. My favorites, a lot of cover songs, some favorite renditions of songs, some with special guests, stuff like that!

Oh, I almost forgot, I didn't add anything from the JOAT compilation because i think it should remain complete the way it is.. It's really good from start to finish, and I didn't want to mess with it.. so.. if you like what you see here, check out the JOAT compilation that was made by another Jack fan.. it's really good as well! It didn't need to be edited, it's all good! Whole Lotta Jack is good too!