Created AtThu Aug 22 2002 22:34:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeSHN
Media Count2
Source Infomk4V > KCY > VMS 5U > DAP1 > D8 ( ORTF )
Tech NoteLes Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade 5/5/2002 Tipitina's - New Orleans, LA Taper: Mikey K. <> Using Jim Churna's RIG Source: Schoeps MK4V (ORTF) &gt; KCY &gt; VMS5U &gt; DA-P1 &gt; Sony TCD8 @ 48kHz Location: Upstairs, clamped to bottom rail DFC Transfer: DAT master &gt; Tascam da20mkII &gt; RME96/8 &gt; WAV @ 48kHz Encoding: WAV @ 48kHz &gt; sox resample &gt; WAV @ 44.1kHz &gt; Cool Edit &gt; CD Wave &gt; Shorten Taper's Notes: *please do not encode to mp3* Resampling, encoding, tracking and info file: Caleb Epstein
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
98772002-05-05Tipitina'sNew OrleansLA
Schoeps MK4V (ORTF) > KCY > VMS5U > DA-P1 > Sony TCD8 @ 48kHz
Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade 2002-05-05 Tipitina's, New Orleans, LA
Set 1Holy Mackerel, Highball With the Devil > Cosmic Highway, ? > Space Oddity, Angry Young Man, Roof, Macalaster > Jam, Taxman, Hendershot, Calling Kyle, 2,000 Light Years from Home, Running the Gauntlet, Thela Hun Ginjeet
Encore: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Set 2
Set 3
Commentguests: Kirk Joseph, Robert Walter, Wally Ingram, Dave Sobol, Jessica Lurie, Glen Hartman, Jay Lane, Jeff Chimeti