J-Card Comment | Oysterhead
Utica Memorial Aud.
Utica, NY
FOB Schoeps cmc6/mk21->Sonosax SX-M2->AD2K
Taped By Rick from Alabama (team schoeps)
disc 1:
1) Oz is Ever Floating,
2) Rubberneck Lions*,
3) Little Faces ->**
4) Army's on Ecstasy,
5) Radon Balloon,
disc 2:
1) Pseudo Suicide,
2) Shadow of a Man >
3) Wield The Spade >
4) Birthday Boys,
5) Mr. Oysterhead
6) Immigrant Song
* Les inquired about a "Les is Evil" sign in the audience
and said he wasn't sure that was fair,
that if it meant that out of Trey Anastasio,
Stewart Copeland, and himself, then he was probably the most evil,
but that guys like Marilyn Manson and GG Allin are a heck of a lot
more evil than he is. Les said "I'm evil like Evel Kneivel".
** slow spacey jam with Les rambling something