Sources for Strangefolk

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1179411997-01-31Butterfield Hall, University of MassachusettsAmherstMA
Source: DSBD (48.0)
Conversion: Tascam DA-20 MKII > Tascam HD-P2 > Sony Soundforge 8.0 (44.1) > CD Wave > Flac
34341997-02-20Villanova UniversityVillanovaPA
SBD > DA-P1, Conversion: Tascam DA-20 mkII > S/PDIF > Audiowerk 8 Digital Card (48.0 khz) > Soundforge XP 4.5 (Resampled to 44.1 khz) > CDWAV > MKW
29451997-03-07The Mangy MooseTeton VillageWY
27491997-04-05UNCChapel HillNC
27501997-04-25Somerville TheatreSomervilleMA
40891997-06-21Gathering of the VibesCrotonNY
Sennheiser MD-421 > D-8; Conversion : Tascam DA-20 > Audiowerk 8 S/PDIF > Soundforge XP 4.5 (Resampled to 44.1) > MKW
41041997-06-22Gathering of the VibesCrotonNY
SBD > Dat; Conversion: Tascam DA-20 > Audiowerk 8 S/PDIF > Soundforge XP 4.5 (Resampled to 44.1) > CD Wav > MKW
1191711997-08-02Ocean MistMatunuckRI
?> sony dtc 700> soundcard> cdwave 44100/stereo/16 bit> traders little helper encoding option 8
1186961997-10-01Filling StationBozemonMT
Source: SBD>DAT>Analog 1st Gen
Transfer: 1st Gen analog>Audacity>flac16