Sources for Melvin Seals & JGB

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1692512024-12-13Boulder TheaterBoulderCO
flac 2496: Source 1: DPA 4011 (DIN) -> Naiant Little box -> JWmod Tascam DR70
Location: FOB, LFC. Clamped to front rail of SBD area with Superclamp at ~9.0 feet.
(FOB SBD Rail is about 2-2.5 inches wide and the height of the rail is about 4 feet off the floor.)
Transfer: JWmod Tascam DR70 (24/96) wav -> USB cable -> PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac (16/44)
Recorded, edited and mastered by Patrick H.
1692522024-12-13Boulder TheaterBoulderCO
flac1644: DPA 4018 (NOS) > Naiant Little box -> JWmod Tascam DR70
Location: FOB, LFC. Clamped to front rail of SBD area with Superclamp at ~9.0 feet.
(FOB SBD Rail is about 2-2.5 inches wide and the height of the rail is about 4 feet off the floor.)
Transfer: JWmod Tascam DR70 (24/96) wav -> USB cable -> PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16/44)
Recorded, edited and mastered by Patrick H.