Sources for Moxy Früvous

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Source: Gefell M-300->MV-100->D8 Conversion: DA-20MKII->DiO2448-> WAV -> SHN Taper: Jason Reiser Transfer: Nate DeRose Note: No checksums supplied with source
741821998-07-25Styleen's Rhythm PalaceSyracuseNY
Source: Sony ECM-727p -> Sony TCD-D7 Transfer: Fostex D5 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: GregM Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source
769871998-08-07Mel Lastman SquareTorontoON
Source: CSBs-> D8 ? Transfer: Fostex D5 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: Chris O\'Malley ? Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source
748381998-11-01Club MetronomeBurlingtonVT
Source: CSBs-> D8 Transfer: Fostex D5 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: Chris O\'Malley Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source
764391998-11-05WBER RadioRochesterNY
Source: SBD -> Sony TCD-D7 Transfer: Fostex D5 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: GregM Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source
753941998-11-06The TralfBuffaloNY
Source: SBD -> Sony TCD-D7 Transfer: Fostex D5 -> JB3 -> Firewire -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: GregM Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source
746861998-11-07The TralfBuffaloNY
Source: SBD -> Sony TCD-D7 Transfer: Fostex D5 -> JB3 -> Firewire -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> Adobe Audition -> CDWav -> Flac front end Taper: GregM Transfer: Daniel Godwin Note: No checksums supplied with source