SHNID 96348 Orleans 1975-03-08
Constitution Hall, Washington, DC
Textdoc (download)
Orleans 3/8/75 Constitution Hall, Wash. DC source: aud 1st gen reel Don Grossinger's copy lineage: aud cassette master>7" reel @ 3.75 ips, no nr, playback on Sony TC-850>sbm1>cdr>eac>cd wave>flac reel transfer & seeded to LL by Rob Berger one disc: 61:58 01: Trenchtown Rock 02: Cold Spell 03: Your Life My Friend 04: Please Be There 05: Dance With Me 06: Two Faced World 07: If 08: Let There Be Music 09: Stoned 10: I'm A Bum 11: Half Moon 12: One Sided Love 13: Tongue Tied
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Dec 12 2008 18:28:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
orleans1975-03-08d1t01.flac:a350bf113e6685e44341dd7d8800bf77 orleans1975-03-08d1t02.flac:8d2d3f3435a477eb19e9f960d78afbb0 orleans1975-03-08d1t03.flac:2c68b39eb30d9ac5047c9b0493f07700 orleans1975-03-08d1t04.flac:c636faf4f6c8b905d97c15015a275a1a orleans1975-03-08d1t05.flac:677fd876cf184eb6255d19a788bbe337 orleans1975-03-08d1t06.flac:c97c8c3b1ac24e9b2c9df981fb696057 orleans1975-03-08d1t07.flac:09210858d5b729f5d579071a9fa280fa orleans1975-03-08d1t08.flac:10784d02b702f933e874e52459032b22 orleans1975-03-08d1t09.flac:5d426a1be4e5b5da45b92970c26b5745 orleans1975-03-08d1t10.flac:4e78f6361c0a8568d1f2752c4bda6485 orleans1975-03-08d1t11.flac:4e17542421aafc538197016f34e8f470 orleans1975-03-08d1t12.flac:88edbf31e1e41a398f4f1b15a8e8d6f9 orleans1975-03-08d1t13.flac:ec472c8acac48ed7b724ca79e7405574
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