SHNID 96235 Reconstruction 1979-06-13
Early show, Late show, River Theater, Guerneville, CA
Summary (download all files)
Reconstruction: Alan Bershaw's Nak 300 w/CP3 caps cassette master (unknown deck) > 1st gen reel @ 7.5ips > 2nd gen reel @ 7.5ips > DAT > CDR > GEMS editing > FLAC.
Textdoc (download)
Reconstruction June 13 1979 River Theater, Guerneville, CA Recorded by Alan Bershaw Nak 300 w/CP3 caps cassette master (unknown deck) > 1st gen reel @ 7.5ips > 2nd gen reel @ 7.5ips > DAT > CDR ...from the Jjoops Tupperware of Treasures... Edited and Mastered by Jamie Waddell on the GEMS Edit Station Notes: Sound = C+ -No setlist of this show circulated really except from this CDR cource, no less a copy in some of the more trusted vaults -This is the first PROOF this show happened and contains the first verson of the skanky Merle tune "The Jealous Kind"..ya gotta love it! -This is a complete remastering. What i had, had issues. I took about three months to get to this happy medium between quality and an overprocessed feel. -Most songs cut in or out -Thanks Jjoops for the source and where is Alan Bershaw? Anyone? d1t01 I'll Take A Melody (has some warble) d1t02 Fast Tone d1t03 The Jealous Kind* first performance d1t04 That's What Love Will Make You Do d1t05 Lyinda d1t06 What You Won't Do For Love d1t07 Dear Prudence Reconstruction (1-30-1979 to 9-22-1979) * Jerry Garcia - guitar, vocals * John Kahn - bass * Merl Saunders - keyboards, vocals * Ed Neumeister - trombone * Ron Stallings - tenor saxophone, vocals * Gaylord Birch - drums admin note added 2/20/2011: title of d1t02 changed from "Another Star" to "Fast Tone".
Media Size
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Created At
Sat Dec 06 2008 13:54:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Feb 20 2011 19:53:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
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md5 (download)
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