Evergreen College, Olympia, WA

Summary (download all files)
Taper: Unknown

Source: AUD Analog (unknown generation) -> CD

Conversion: Adam Nelson

CD > flac: EAC (secure mode, all tracks 100%) -> WAV -> flac frontend (level 6)

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA
May 4, 1995

Taper: Unknown

Source Info: AUD Analog (unknown generation) -> CD

Conversion: Adam Nelson (nelso222@msu.edu)

CD > flac: EAC (secure mode, all tracks 100%) -> WAV -> flac frontend (level 6)
Tracks split using CD Wave v1.93.3

                          PRESERVE THE QUALITY
                          DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3

Track  |      Name          |  Time (m:s)

d1t01       Intro               00:51
d1t02       Warehouse           08:13
d1t03       Recently ->         07:56
d1t04       Water-Wine Jam -> * 01:32
d1t05       Lie In Our Graves * 08:11
d1t06       Dancing Nancies     08:40
d1t07       So Much To Say      04:30
d1t08       Tripping Billies    04:39
d1t09       Jimi Thing  *       06:10
d1t10       Satellite           04:49
d1t11       #36 ->              09:32
d1t12       Ants Marching       06:31

This is not the best recording. It has a lot of crowd noise, with plenty of people talking near the microphone, and sounds distant. Jimi is cut off. Satellite starts abruptly. This may be the spot of a tape flip from the original analog source.

These rare older shows have been collected and converted through a collaborative effort to get them into circulation. Sometimes these shows do not have the best sound quality (and maybe that's why they aren't circulated much to begin with), but people should have access to them.

Thanks to Nick Halfen for donating the CD source used for the conversion.

Compiled By Adam Nelson on November 18, 2006

*Not listed on dmbalmanac.com as being played but were performed.

UPDATE:  I received the source from Adam and went to work on it. Using Audacity, I applied Hard Limiter, Bass Boost, and Amplify. Using Soundforge, applied Normalization, Distortion to fix any although it doesn't help much, Volume Maximizer and EQ to the bass which didn't help much either.  There is a major cut in the middle of Jimi Thing at the 2:25 mark which looks like a couple of seconds on the wav file but in fact is a good minute chunk cut out as if the tape stopped and was restarted.  No way to bridge that gap. Crowd is quite apparent on this tape like the mics were hand held at the show.  It doesn't sound as distant now but not a high fidelity recording by any stretch but sounds pretty good considering how the original cd sounded.  This is the only known source and needs to be put into circulation.  Thanks to Adam for sending this source to me to review and try to fix up to a listenable level.

Updated by Tom Gambichler on August 20, 2008

**This is dedicated to memory of Leroi Moore, may he rest in peace**
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Aug 21 2008 09:22:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Aug 21 2008 09:22:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.ffp (download)

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