Haight Street, San Francisco, CA

Summary (download all files)
AUD: Uher RR>DAT>DALCardDeluxe>WAV>CDR; via Raoul Duke; Seeded to etree by matt vernon

Textdoc (download)
BAND	Grateful Dead
VENUE	Haight Street
CITY	San Francisco
DATE	03/03/68

Taped by Steve Brown with a handheld mic - Mono - Steves batteries ran down at the middle of Hurts Me Too.
DAT courtesy of SIR LANCE (Lance Michel)!
Speed corrected via DAL Card Delux "Owen Brothers Vault" Version

SHN conversion: CDR > EAC(secure) > mkwact(seekable) mvernon54@attbi.com
shntool confirms tracks on sector boundaries

Thanks to Raoul Duke for the disks!
Part of "The Music Never Stopped" 2002 shn em up initiative.

Disk 1 [59:10] 
Set 1
01. [01:26] Crowd + Tuning
02. [21:07] Viola Lee Blues
03. [00:58] Crowd + Announcements
04. [12:05] Smokestack // Lightning
05. [01:53] Politics
06. [14:13] //Lovelight
07. [00:47] Crowd + Announcements
08. [05:18] //It Hurts Me Too *
09. [01:19] Cryptical Envelopment// * (batteries die)
[Missing] > TOO >
[Missing] Cryptical Envelopment
[Missing] Dancing in the Streets

1. These notes were from the original Owen Brothers Mastering

"Editing and CD mastering by the Chief Wizard - Michael@looncove.com
All editing done on a Dell Optiplex GX300 - PIII(800) using Diamond Cut Millennium. When I recieved this DAT, it was mono left channel with some Led Zep that Steve had taped bleeding into the RC for the last third of the tape. I converted this to mono to get rid of the right channel bleed and converted to mono two channel to keep
the cd players happy. This is the "Original" that I mastered to CD.
	Then I addressed the speed change in Hurts Me Too by building a speed adjustment curve that approximated the battery death and tape slowdown. It is a fair fit but not perfect as there were fluctuations in the death that are impossible to duplicate. The result is very listenable. The bit of Cryptical on the end was
corrected with a straight line adjustment but it was pretty far gone...
   	Next, I used a very narrow notch filter around 3055 hz to remove an annoying whine. Then I used a light Continuous Noise filter to reduce some of the hiss from 
the Uher.
	Assorted other gliches and problems were corrected to produce what I feel is the most listenable and complete version of this historic show yet.

All comments are welcome!"

2. These are the flaws noted by mvernon54@attbi for the cdr copies converted to shns
d1t3 ~5:38 music cuts (tape flip?)
d1t8 sounds like some of the opening notes were lost

3. Here are the comments in deadlists about this show:

"COMMENTS	The master tape is incomplete, as the tapers' batteries were low. David Gans played the timed portion on KPFA, minus the That's It For The Other One suite which was recorded, but damaged by the battery problem.  DeadBase XI reports that the taper remembers that the closer was Dancing In The Streets.  It is possible that additional songs were played between the second Cryptical and Dancin'.  There is a new circulating copy of 3/3/68 on CDR that is Steve Brown's Uher MAR>DAT>WAV>CDR, has the complete version of It Hurts Me Too, and the beginning of Cryptical Envelopment before the batteries finally do die. It Hurts Me Too & Cryptical Envelopment// were speed-corrected via DAL Card Delux.

Larry, an eyewitness writes: "i remember getting off the bus on haight street That spring day, pushing my way through the crowds to see what all the excitement was about (i didn't know- did anyone? -that the dead were parking a flat bed truck across haight street to play a free gig!) ...completely by accident, i got there (well, within a few hundred feet) just as they fired up the music...the bus came by and i was splattered like a bug on the windshield!!! .....the version of "dancing in the streets" (which, unfortunately, isn't on the tape) was not the "disco" version they came up with later, but a much stronger r&b/rocking tune....i never forgot that set....and, though mickey had been with the band for a while, it was news to me, since this was my first time seeing them (only one drummer on that first, imo, great album!" 

RECORDING	60 A?  Only Viola Lee Blues thru the first Cryptical circulates."
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue May 14 2002 22:39:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Sep 22 2009 14:18:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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