SHNID 93576 North Indiana AllStars 2008-05-24
Late Night in the Barn -SummerCamp, Chillicothe, IL
Summary (download all files)
Source: Neumann KM 143 (NOS) > LC3KA > BusTmod R-4 (24/44.1)
Location: at soundboard, mics at 8 ft
Processing: WL5 (EQ) > SF8 (fades, tracking, dither) > TLH ( flac 8 )
Taped and Processed by: KLowe
Location: at soundboard, mics at 8 ft
Processing: WL5 (EQ) > SF8 (fades, tracking, dither) > TLH ( flac 8 )
Taped and Processed by: KLowe
Textdoc (download)
North Indiana Allstars 2008-05-24 Late Night in the Barn -SummerCamp Chillicothe, IL Source: Neumann KM 143 (NOS) > LC3KA > BusTmod R-4 (24/44.1) Location: at soundboard, mics at 8 ft Processing: WL5 (EQ) > SF8 (fades, tracking, dither) > TLH ( flac 8 ) Taped and Processed by: KLowe 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Setlist unknown -- mostly improvisation. North Indiana Allstars are: Jake Cinninger (from Umphreys McGee) Joel Cummins (from Umphreys McGee) Stephen Perkins (from Janes Addiction and Porno for Pyros) Tony Franklin (from The Firm and David Gilmore) Willie Waldman (from Snoop Dog and Tupac) Kris Myers (from Umphreys McGee)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 30 2008 12:05:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Sep 23 2008 10:41:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
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