SHNID 9267 Garcia 1975-10-31
The Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA
Summary (download all files)
Jerry Garcia Band: Late Show: MAR > R?> DAT > CD > EAC > SHN. Recorded by Charlie Disalvo (about 20th row, center section, left side), Shure Unidyne 4s (above head-level on a spreader bar) > Uher 4400 (5", 1800' BASF reels @ 7.5 ips). There may be an additional reel after the master reel.
Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band Tower Theatre; Upper Darby, PA 10/31/75 Late Show MAR > R?> DAT > CD > EAC > SHN. Recorded by Charlie Disalvo (about 20th row, center section, left side), Shure Unidyne 4s (above head-level on a spreader bar) > Uher 4400 (5", 1800' BASF reels @ 7.5 ips). There may be an additional reel after the master reel. After How Sweet It is the mics were dismounted and hand-held for the rest of the show. Extraction using EAC and .shn encoding using mkwACT by Proper sector boundaries verified using shntool. Disc One (8) 66:27 1. Let it Rock [13:42] [0:23] 2. Tore Up Over You [8:39] [0:47] 3. Russian Lullaby [7:54] [0:50] 4. Friend of the Devil [5:38] [0:09] 5. //It's Too Late [7:42#] [0:13] 6. Lady Sleeps [5:46] [0:34] 7. No Time [4:20] [0:13] 8. Money Honey [9:11] [0:13] Disc Two (5) 50:45 1. /Positively 4th Street/ [9:40#] [0:08] 2. /How Sweet It Is [7:35#] [0:22] 3. /The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [8:38#] [0:22] 4. Let's Spend the Night Together [15:02] -> 5. Edward [8:44] [0:11] Notes: d1t01 Let it Rock digi-scratch @ 1:44 d1t01 Let it Rock mix/level fluctuations until ca. 2:00 d1t03 Russian Lullaby digi-scratch @ 1:13 d1t05 It's Too Late cuts in (reel change #1) d1t05 It's Too Late pop @ 4:33 d1t08 Money Honey blip @ 8:39 d2t01 Positively 4th Street clips in, not much missing d2t01 Positively 4th Street digi-snit @ 4:26 d2t01 Positively 4th Street last few seconds clipped (reel change #2) d2t02 How Sweet cuts in, ca. 15-20 seconds missing (reel change #2) d2t03 Dixie Down audible contact w/ mics as they are dismounted d2t03 Dixie Down drop @ 8:25-8:27 d2t04 LSTNT digi-snit @ 1:19 d2t05 Edward digi-scratch @ 3:13
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Created At
Wed May 08 2002 10:11:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed May 08 2002 10:11:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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wavs (download)
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