P.N.E. Coliseum, Vancouver, BC

Summary (download all files)
flac16; SBD/AUD Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC)

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
P.N.E. Coliseum
Vancouver, BC, Canada
June 22, 1973

Jerry Garcia - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals
Keith Godchaux - Keyboards
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Phil Lesh - Electric Bass, Vocals
Bob Weir - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals



Master Reel -> PCM -> Dat (44.1k)

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony R500) -> Sound Devices 744T -> Samplitude Professional v9.12 -> FLAC
(5 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
November 15, 2007

Patch Info:
(FOB) Sony ECM Mics->Cassette Master->Reel->Reel->CD (shnid=16889) supplies:
Bertha (0:00 - 1:23)
Big Railroad Blues (0:00 - 0:17)
The Other One (5:44 - 12:54)
Casey Jones (6:07 - end of show)

SBD -> Master Cassette -> Reel -> Cassette -> HD (shnid=85957) supplies:
Bird Song (Numerous patches to fix tracking problems)
The Race Is On (0:00 - 0:23)
I Know You Rider (2:01 - 3:12)

SBD -> Master Reel -> Cassette -> Dat -> CD supplies
Truckin' (7:51 - end of Casey Jones)

-- Each set is seamless
-- Patch SBD (shnid=85957) pitch adjusted to match Master Reel SBD
-- The Encore will fit on end of 1st Set


MC > Reel > Reel > CD > DAT > WAV > SHN

Recorded by Donn Amick, FOB, Sony EMC mics spread out across the
row > TC-126 master cassette > Amick's Reel recorded at 7-1/2ips >
Matt Williams' Reel at 3-3/4ips w/ Dolby(Teac AN-60)

A > D by Matt Williams and Noah Weiner, January - April, 2003

Reel playback on Teac X-1000R(no Dolby) > untracked CDs on Teac
RW-CD22 > CDs playback on Toshiba SD-5700 > Teac AN-180 Dolby
decoder > Fostex D5 DAT (A>D only) > Turtle Beach Montego II
Digital I/O > Sound Forge (wav edits and track IDs) > SHNTOOL
(SBE fix) > MKW (shn)


Thank you to Charlie Miller, for the super revamped SBD transfer;
to Donn Amick, for recording this beautiful, stellar show;
to Noah Weiner and Matt Williams, for the great AUD transfer.

Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC) 
June 21, 2008

Set 1:
d1t01 - Bertha
d1t02 - Beat It On Down The Line
d1t03 - Deal
d1t04 - Mexicali Blues
d1t05 - Box Of Rain
d1t06 - Bird Song
d1t07 - The Race Is On
d1t08 - Sugaree
d1t09 - Looks Like Rain
d1t10 - Row Jimmy 
d1t11 - Jack Straw
d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower ->
d2t02 - I Know You Rider
d2t03 - Big River
d2t04 - Tennessee Jed
d2t05 - Playing In The Band

Set 2: 
d3t01 - Here Comes Sunshine
d3t02 - Promised Land
d3t03 - Brown Eyed Women
d3t04 - El Paso
d3t05 - Black Peter
d3t06 - Greatest Story Ever Told
d3t07 - Big Railroad Blues
d4t01 - He's Gone -> 
d4t02 - Truckin' ->
d4t03 - Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam ->
d4t04 - Phil Zone ->
d4t05 - Jam ->
d4t06 - The Other One ->
d4t07 - Space ->
d4t08 - The Other One ->
d4t09 - Wharf Rat ->
d4t10 - Sugar Magnolia
d4t11 - Casey Jones

d5t01 - Johnny B. Goode


1) There is occasional static, particularly during the earlier portion of set 1. 

2) AUD cuts during songs are as follows:
	1. Bertha (Not used for matrixing due to a poor mono sound)
	2. Bird Song (8 patches throughout; see note #4)
	3. The Race is On (0:01-0:23; see note #4)
	4. China Cat Sunflower (entire song)
	5. I Know You Rider (2:01 - 3:12; see note #4)
	6. Playing in the Band (14:38-15:01)
	7. El Paso (entire song)
	8. Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam (1:56-2:34)   
	9. Sugar Magnolia (3:23-4:58)

3) Because the shnid=85957 SBD patches sounded "not so good" with the AUD, and fluctuated in speed from the PCM source, no matrixing was done with the 85957 SBD patches. (Be very patient with the 16 warbly transitions in Bird Song. Such a shame for one of the best Bird Songs ever - surely the best of '73.)

4) Seemingly, the AUD opens up more for Mexicali Blues onward - more field range? - wherein the matrix becomes optimal, yet it seems to get even more optimal as the show progresses. (Dead shows can have that tendency.)

5) There is a noticeable shift in tone in the Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam (0:31), and a brief warble, when the SBD track shifts to the second major SBD source used. I fade out the AUD for a moment to regain momentum.   

6) I preferred leaving some extended SBD segments between songs (without AUD available) in for timing and/or break purposes.

7) There is some belief, as indicated in several reviews below, that the AUD is a matrix. I do not believe so, but maybe this just happens to be a double matrix source!

8) These were pretty cutty sources for a matrix, but it's 1973, so...At least you can compare the sources some in your four hours of listening pleasure. 

9) There's a "Long live the Grateful Dead!" cheer in the SBD right before the matrix kicks in for Black Peter.



Reviewer: J. Jonah Jameson - 5 out of 5 stars - June 15, 2004
Subject: Pretty Tasty!

A very nice performance, and a very tasty AUD recording. Ahhh, the glory days of the Grateful Dead. A few blemishes here and there, but overall a very nice, rich recording. Amazing quality, and an exceptional performance. Does it deserve 5 stars? Why not?

Reviewer: southernflavour - 5 out of 5 stars - November 13, 2004
Subject: one of the best

this show is truly one of the best. It's great hearing this (extremely good) audience tape. with so many great soundboards from this era, it's refreshing to get this perspective.

Reviewer: Mike Zichella - 5 out of 5 stars - November 24, 2004
Subject: -

In my humble opinion...
This show is absolutly amazing. If you like turning the lights down low and laying back and mellowing out, than you absolutly, definitly, positivly have to hear this show. Phil is really creative (even by his standards), Jerry is humble and gentle, and everybody else lays it down tightly and creatively. It's great music to zone into. The mix is perfect for almost the entire show (except for some rude patches).

I'm totaly suprised that more folks aren't raving about this show. Not to compare, BUT it's better than June 10, 1973. I hope you try this show.

Reviewer: tone the music nurse - 5 out of 5 stars - December 6, 2004
Subject: Rivvetting

This is without a doubt one of the most electrifying shows that I've heard. Tops 3 of the 70's! Audience patches fill the holes beautifully. Music from this concert will STONE you! Get it Pronto....

Reviewer: joobie - 5 out of 5 stars - March 27, 2005
Subject: wear a diaper or risk a load in your pants

in a year full of absolutely stellar shows, this is a hidden gem. my mission in life is to proselytize this show among the unfortunate who have not heard the monster second set jam. from he's gone on is as good as it gets. great aud and praise allah for it because the sbd cuts out in the middle of the jam.


Reviewer: lilrichwhiteboy - 5 out of 5 stars - April 29, 2005
Subject: Very Nice Audience Show.

Although the sound in the beginning is a bit inconsistant, fading in and out in Bertha. A very nice show. Check out the Bird Song in the other SBD source. It's spectacular.


Reviewer: Stargazin - 5 out of 5 stars - May 2, 2005
Subject: Great Solstice Show

The jam from the Phil Zone into The Other One!
Jerry's solo & Phil and Keith's reemergence are divinely futuristic, one of the places in the Dead world that is pure and timeless, it clearly evokes 1977 and 1969 right smack dab in the middle of the 7. We used to call this one
Truckin up to BC Jam...
check out Keith's Chick Corea-esque circles around 5 minutes in to the jam, and Phil & Jerry's spirited, timely re-entries... this one ROLLS up to BC on golden chariot clouds.
Jerry taps into some really inspired playing throughout the whole show. Hey Archive, more stars please!
The Dead are lots of 6 to 7, I give this one a 6.
BTW, I used to have a SBD tape of this show and I prefer this great audience recording. If you like 6-10-73, check out how the boys followed it up, they're takin it to the next level here.


Reviewer: kuba - 5 out of 5 stars - May 3, 2005
Subject: superb audience recording

there is nice sound. recording is perfect stereo. it's the best aud from 70's. you can compare it with aud from 80's. don't download sbd version, here is more energy.


Reviewer: eyezoftheworld - 5 out of 5 stars - September 2, 2005
Subject: I DONT KNOW IF I DID...

i dont know if i already reviewed this, but WHO CARES. this is really one of the best shows i have ever heard. i cant help myself from grooving while listening to this smokeing show. i mean, look at the setlist, any show with a setlist like this could not possibly be bad. and your damn right it isnt bad. its killer! thank you everyone who had anything to do with this kick ass show!


Reviewer: Hage - 5 out of 5 stars - January 30, 2006
Subject: There Are 5 Star Shows...

and there are 5 Star Shows -- This is a 5 STAR SHOW!!! Beautiful versions of many songs - love the Looks Like Rain, Race Is On, interesting Bird Song and others; nice Phil Jam near the end. The Band was definitely on and even Donna fit in nicely - excellent harmonies. This one is not to be missed. Also, except for a small portion of Bertha, the sound quality is excellent.

Reviewer: mid-maine - 5 out of 5 stars - April 27, 2006
Subject: great recording, no joke

this recording is unreal! unlike the providence, boston and other '73 aud recordings, there is little audience interference here. perhaps the sound of the room was better than boston garden (gee, that can't be too tough) and providence civic, and the mics had better position, but it must be the mellowness of the audience too (ah, no fireworks for instance).

by the way, i'm not writing this because i suddenly converted to audience recordings after archive pulled the boards. i've always been an aud fan, and this quality is better than an ouade tape from the '80s. my guess is that this is due to the fact that the wall of sound produced such full and rich tones.

if the dead were ever to release a complete audience recording, imho, this would be it. phat jams, prime '73 form, killer audience. in a sense, this is richer than the board because we get the warmth of the room.


Reviewer: dwemmy - 5 out of 5 stars - May 14, 2006
Subject: Birdsong Freakout

Well...the reviews below confirm what I thought: a legendary Birdsong, a top 5 Playin'..., a Super good Truckin'--->Other One--->Jam--->Phil Solo--->Jam--->Other One---> and so on 'til the end of show, including a Sug Mags--->Sunshine Daydream that I 95% blowoff- But not here.
PK Listen- the soundboard is NOT available (which I agree with the Dead's change in policy: it's their legacy and we still have most of the auds as ours- cool?, so you MUST download this show. Is it just me but the PA+room acoustics mix together to sound like something like heaven. Seriously- check out Birdsong to confirm.
One of the best available GD shows hands down currently available for download. Thanks Bobby, Phil, Bill and Mickey!!

Reviewer: grendelschoice - 5 out of 5 stars - June 19, 2006
Subject: Top 3 Birdsong and more

Keeo coming back to this show because a) it's a real good AUD--not pristine & clean like a SBD, but LOUD and on target w/all band members represented & good vocals, unlike so many AUDS, and b) just look at the set-list.

Classic '73 show, and one of the top 3 Birdsong's you'll ever hear. A must for all Jerry/Birdsong freaks.

Reviewer: Stargazin - 5 out of 5 stars - June 23, 2006
Subject: classic

this show is truly magical, a fitting solstice for this fine year. This matrix sounds amazing 33 years later, thank you Sean Cribbs


Reviewer: tree-ap - 5 out of 5 stars - October 10, 2006

I generally only get to listen to shows at work through inferior computer speakers, so I usually don't get to "hear" all of the nuances of the shows. But yesterday, I was able to listen with headphones, and I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!! I speculate that this copy COULD be a SNDBRD and AUD copy spliced together---it's a little TOO CLEAR to be just an AUD. You can hear EVERYONE on stage clearly, though the sound does get kinda skeevy for a couple songs after PITB, but comes back nicely.
I'm sure most of remember where we were & what we were doing when we heard our 1st show from the Honey Year of '73. I was driving w/friends smoking some GREAT hash when someone pulled out the Stanford show from 2/9 & started it just before Black Throated Wind. I believe Beer Barrel Polka was next---and I've not been the same since. I also got a copy of Cornell the same night---it was almost too much to handle. Anyway, this show made it seem as if I'd lost my cherry to the GD all over again. I think I may have found my favorite Birdsong, and PITB had certain quality that I'd not heard before.
That this copy can be downloaded still is great. You're missing one of, if not THE greatest shows of this INCREDIBLE year in the GD's history. But don't take mine, or anyone else's word as gospel---listen to it yourself...LISTEN...

Reviewer: rollandfin - 5 out of 5 stars - November 7, 2006
Subject: Great Stuff

I find this show very listenable, it's nastalgic to me not cause I was there ( i wasn't) but because it's one i had on cassette about 10 years ago, and lost, and it's great to reconnect, can you relate?
The P.N.E. stands for Pacific National Exibition, an event held every summer at a dedicated ground on the east side of Vansterdam, I googled a poster for the show online, which reads May 5th? wonder what happened, Also of interest the poster showed a picture of Jerry,Bob,Phil,Billy&Keith, no Donna? same pic on other posters that year. The Festival express in 1970 never pushed west of Calgary so perhaps this was the make up gig. This is IMO the difinitive Canadian Show, wish they would have crossed the boarder more often.

The Playing is Great,
this is the Bird Song of the Year, the Box of Rain is the version i hear in my head, and the Sunshine is ripe. He's gone moves well, as it did all year, and the patch in the other one is not as bad as some would lead you to believe.

Oh ya and they played Black Peter, cosider this, BP was preformed once in europe72 and only 12 times after, and about 6 or so in 1977, and how many are monstershows/dick's picks???

Reviewer: Valley Vista - 5 out of 5 stars - December 18, 2006
Subject: WOW

Haven't heard this in years, and wow, what a memory! About 25 years ago I discovered this tape and in amongst all the incredible music one moment has always stood out to my ears. There is a jam after Phil's solo that is very distinct. About 8:30 into this jam it gets absolutely SUBLIME and the next minute or is one of the most unique, complex and totally remarkable pieces of jazzy improvisation the band ever produced (IMO, of course). I cannot recall in all of the thousands of tapes and recordings I've heard anything that even remotely sounds like this moment in time. It is out there...If anybody knows of any jam where they fell into something similar, I'd be very interested to know about it. Enoy this incredible recording!


Reviewer: Jeff Gannon - 5 out of 5 stars - December 18, 2006

OUTSTANDING He's Gone>The 48 Chambers of Phil>Ecstacy>Bliss>Terror>Amazement Jam


Reviewer: gaZeebo - 5 out of 5 stars - January 11, 2007
Subject: great recording

check out bobby in hc sunshine - damn the instrument separation is wonderful


Reviewer: Chris U. - 5 out of 5 stars - April 25, 2007
Subject: One of the very best, in any year

This is one of the desert island shows for me. Yes, the Bird Song is incredible. Yes, the He's Gone is incredible (the outro!). Yes, the segue jamming is incredible and inspired.

But has everyone listened closely to the Black Peter? Seriously. That is the key to understanding what makes this show so amazing. The music between the notes. Phil's harmonies on the bridge. The tenderness, people. Touch the tenderness.

Reviewer: Bear in 29206 - 5 out of 5 stars - June 4, 2007
Subject: Aud? maybe not, but DAMN!

I've been way too slow to put my 2 cents about this show and, more importantly this version, of this show.

It is one of the cream of the crop downloads I have favored for the last few years...bar none!

Yes, there is a hint of a sbd component to it, but who cares!

The sound and the playing merge together on this one more than normal. It, they, are liquid in so many of the cuts.

Yes, there are a few audio blemishes (cut outs, oh gee, it's mono for the first 30 seconds of Here Comes Sunshine then, WHOA!, back into stereo space (it suffers because of this???)


As said before me, the set list, combined with an incredibly jazzy, loose, simple, yet mesmerizing sound makes this a keeper from all the years!

Download the SHN version and know you have the best!

Reviewer: Weland - 5 out of 5 stars - June 5, 2007
Subject: black peter

nobody's mentioned the black peter...jerry's incredibly soulfull...the guitar effects on 'fever roll up...' like a feverish hallucination, a heat shimmer...i keep listening to it over and over...my favorite


Reviewer: IsleHigh - 5 out of 5 stars - June 22, 2007

I Have TO agree with all the other great reviews of this show. I got this on cassette in the middle 70's and wore it out. Every song is relaxed but brilliant. Bird Song ,HCS, Playing,Truckin-OO all are incredible versions. If I could have one show to take to Venus this would be it. Much Aloha to the Band and all who make this possible.


Reviewer: Liamfinnegan - 5 out of 5 stars - January 22, 2008
Subject: Love this show

I am stingy with the 5 star ratings, because if I am not, it becomes meaningless. But this would be a 4.7 easy. I love this Playin in the Band- and most everything else I have heard. Quality is amazing for this time period

And is the Phil solo in the scond set the longest any one has ever heard?

All this time later and so much more listening under my belt- I am changing this to a 5 - and it is well worth it- still love the PITB- but now I am wowed by the HCSunshine- top 3 for me for sure


Reviewer: TwinD - 5 out of 5 stars - March 5, 2008
Subject: It's been awhile

I seen it's been about nine months since anybody bothered to mention again what a great show this is and how nice the recording (for a 1973 aud) is.

Consider this a reminder.


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     3:13.34       34125212 B   ---   --   ---xx  gd73-06-22d3t02.flac
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   243:53.38     2581352116 B                            0.5754  (35 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Jun 21 2008 15:40:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Jun 29 2008 18:14:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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