KBCO-FM Studio C, Boulder, CO

Summary (download all files)
Pre-FM - three tracks played live in KBCO's Studio C the day before the Denver Fillmore shows from a CD copy of the master DAT via Cary Wolfson

Textdoc (download)
  Phil and Friends
  KBCO Studio C
  Boulder, CO


Here's the three tracks that Phil & Friends played live in KBCO's Studio C the day before the Denver Fillmore shows. 
This is from a CD copy of the master DAT.

01. Loser
02. Gone Wandering
03. Shakedown Street

I talked with Phil for a few minutes and told him that I had been at the GD/Miles Davis shows in April 1970. He said, "Do you know how scared I was to go onstage after THAT? That was some of Miles's deepest shit, the 'Bitches Brew' era. You probably saw us peeking out from backstage with our jaws dropping." I remarked that I had seen electricity coming out of the instruments during "Viola Lee Blues" and when I listened to the tape decided that it wasn't just the LSD. Phil: "Well, it definitely could've been BOTH. I certainly had that same experience myself several times."

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue May 27 2008 21:10:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue May 27 2008 21:17:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac-md5 (download)
89c5040ae25568f6d819cb24ad741eb9 *03 Loser.aif.flac
4546127004623f43260a226818941d71 *04 Gone Wandering.aif.flac
dc723f78f6bdc51673aeffee6b0a7fa9 *05 Shakedown Street.aif.flac

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