Trax, Charlottesville, VA

Summary (download all files)
Taper: Unknown

Source: ASBD (unknown generation)

Conversion: Adam Nelson & Henry Hart

CD > flac > wav > flac (see notes below):
EAC (secure mode, all tracks 100%) -> WAV ->
flac frontend (level 6) Tracks split using CD Wave v1.93.3 > wav > AddaWav > Cool Edit Pro v2.1 > CDWav > flac frontend

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
Charlottesville, VA
March 24, 1992

Taper:      Unknown
Source Info:    ASBD (unknown generation)

Conversion: Adam Nelson ( & Henry Hart

CD > flac > wav > flac (see notes below):
EAC (secure mode, all tracks 100%) -> WAV ->
flac frontend (level 6) Tracks split using
CD Wave v1.93.3 > wav > AddaWav > Cool Edit Pro v2.1 >
CDWav > flac frontend

                         PRESERVE THE QUALITY
                         DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3

Track  |      Name          |  Time (m:s)
d1t01 People People 05:14
d1t02 Boyd/LeRoi Jam -> 03:58
d1t03 Typcial Situation * 05:10

* = end of song cut off

The recording quality is a bit rough, but still well worth a listen.

These rare older shows have been collected and converted through a collaborative effort to get them into circulation. Sometimes these shows do not have the best sound quality (and maybe that's why they aren't circulated much to begin with), but people should have access to them.

Thanks to Rob Jones for the CD source used for the conversion.

Compiled By Adam Nelson on Sept 23, 2006

UPDATE by Henry Hart on 11.16.06:
This show came with 5 other songs starting the show. They are clearly
not from the same performance as the last 3 songs were and may actually
be demos and not parts of a live show. I took them out and tweaked
these songs in Cool Edit Pro v2.1. There is a tape cut after People
people, so who knows if these songs are even from the same show. The
crowd noise and sound makes me think that it is, and there are so few
People People copies out there that we have decided to let this one

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu May 22 2008 16:37:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu May 22 2008 16:37:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.ffp (download)

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