SHNID 91105 Gov't Mule 2002-05-16
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, Irvine, CA

Summary (download all files)
Source: DPA 4022s > Sound Devices MP-2 ->
Sonic AD2k+ @ 16NS3, +20, 44.1khz -> M1

Location: Orch. Pit, Row 2, Seat 35, ~4 ft., XY

Conversion: PCM-R300 -> Audiophile 2496-> SoundForge 5.0 -> CD Wave 1.62 > MKWACT (shn)

Taper: Jeff Fulton (

Textdoc (download)
Gov't Mule
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
Irvine, CA
May 16, 2002

Taper:  	Jeff Fulton (

Source: 	DPA 4022s > Sound Devices MP-2 -> 
		Sonic AD2k+ @ 16NS3, +20, 44.1khz -> M1

Location:  	Orch. Pit, Row 2, Seat 35, ~4 ft., XY

Conversion: 	PCM-R300 -> Audiophile 2496-> 
		SoundForge 5.0 -> CD Wave 1.62 > MKWACT (shn)
		Nick Gregory (

Notes:		with Dave Schools on bass and Danny Louis on keyboards

Disc One:

1)   Intro			00:20.45
2)   Banks of the Deep End	06:02.55
3)   Time to Confess		06:14.60
4)   Rocking Horse		08:17.17
5)   Beautifully Broken		06:40.65
6)   Sco-Mule			07:28.49
7)   Tastes Like Wine		09:48.54
8)   Soulshine			07:34.06

			Total	52:27.51	  

Note: Security sucked...would not let you bring in bags of equipment,
so Craig, Alex, Jeff, and others had to pocket all of the equipment.  
Eventually, they let in stands, but to get the Mule set, the mic's were
run FOB, in hand.  Thanks to Scott Brown for sending his rig to California, 
result is a great tape!

Compiled 5/26/02 
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Mar 29 2008 13:17:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Mar 29 2008 14:15:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all.md5 (download)
339112ebaac6d8aace705564b21e9074 *gm2002-05-16t07.shn
aeabf44cc29c18b9d554ceec8eb5f51d *gm2002-05-16t08.shn
c86caf32d7cf8a8b2bbbfc46554fb453 *gm2002-05-16t01.shn
aa51f8248b2ea41dade660e427fae631 *gm2002-05-16t02.shn
c97fa80d8fd54cd6199747f504350644 *gm2002-05-16t03.shn
cb0ba8151451a2c7ecefa814bf5c9086 *gm2002-05-16t04.shn
7c85e697b22cf5a3e6e6fc3bdb760525 *gm2002-05-16t05.shn
55cc1914ff6fc9fd5c77ff958c5b9092 *gm2002-05-16t06.shn

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