SHNID 89511 Garcia 1975-10-24
Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA

Summary (download all files)
JGB, early show: flac16; DTS Audio 5.1 - SBD (shn id 76113) probable MSC (TDK SD90) > 20-bit transfer via TC2000 > SBM2 CD dump > CD clone > extraction (EAC v0.95 beta 4)> FLAC encoding (Source CDs from David Gans, editing by BCP) + AUD1 (shn id 34730) Steve Rolfe's MAC (Sony ECM-99 Stereo mic > Sony TC-152 [Maxell UDs]) > Nakamichi Dragon playback > ART DI/O > Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe soundcard > Cool Edit 2000 > flac encoding. Transfer by David Minches. + AUD2 (shnid 12857) FOB MAC (taped by Jimmy Warburton) Sony ECM-99 stereo mic > Sony TC 152SD master cassette [Dolby B]) > playback on Sony TC152SD > Teac A2300SD 1st gen reel [Dolby B off] > playback on Akai GX-4000D > Teac AN-80 Dolby B decoding > A/D using an ART DI/O into an Egosys Waverterminal 2496 digital sound card > master CD - DTS mixing by Kevin Tobin

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA
Early Show

DTS-Audio-CD 5.1 Mix

d1t01 - Let it Rock 
d1t02 - All By Myself 
d1t03 - They Love Each Other
d1t04 - It's Too Late 
d1t05 - Pig's Boogie 
d2t01 - Band Introductions w/ Addams Family Tuning 
d2t02 - Sugaree 
d2t03 - Rockin' Pneumonia 
d2t04 - Tuning* 
d2t05 - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 
d2t06 - Mystery Train 

* Note: The total tracking time of this show is 81 minutes and 21 seconds so should be split to 2 cds. I included a 1 minute and 22 second tuning/crowd segment for those who might want to burn it on only 1 cd. Leave d2t04 out and it will fit without any of the music missing.

Audio Source Information
SBD (shnid 76113)
Master (?) Soundboard Cassettes (TDK SD90) > 20-bit transfer via TC2000 >
SBM2 CD dump > CD clone > extraction (EAC v0.95 beta 4) > FLAC encoding
(FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 etree addition) > decode > tracking (CD Wave) >
pitching and patching (see notes) > shn > decode (TLH v1.0.0 Beta-1 Build
72) > sector boundary alignment (shntool v2.0.3) > level 8 FLAC encoding
(TLH v1.0.0 Beta-1 Build 72).  Source CDs from David Gans, editing by BCP.

Processing Notes by BCP:
- Software used: Samplitude, Sound Forge, WaveLab, Audition 2.0
- I received this show mainly as one large FLAC file.  Once I decoded it to WAV format,
I performed a DC offset adjustment/correction.  I then listened to the entire show to
determine the degree of pitch correction required.  There were several spots throughout
the show (in the SBD) which were not consistent and therefore needed special attention
(i.e. within one track the pitch would fluctuate slightly).  Before I attempted any
further processing, I used CDWav to track the show so I could work with separate files.
After I corrected the pitch for the entire show (which was around 41 cents flat to begin
with), I then patched in the AUD source for the beginning of the show.  
- I do not circulate ANY shows with noise reduction.  I did not alter the EQ settings or
perform any other 'remastering' processes with the audio files.  Enjoy!

Patch Info:
- The sbd was missing all of Let it Rock and the first 3:38 of All By Myself.  These
were patched in from Steve Rolfe'S Sony ECM-99s stereo mic > Sony TC-152 MAC (Maxell
UDs) > Nakamichi Dragon playback > ART DI/O > Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe soundcard >
Cool Edit 2000 > FLAC (shnid 34730).

-Ben @ BCP Studios, 7/23/06

David Gans originally broadcast this material on the KPFA
Marathon on January 28, 2006 and very graciously supplied a set of
CDs for circulation.  Thanks as always, David!

If you enjoy this music, please support KPFA by making a
pledge at or by sending a check to

1929 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

AUD1 (shnid 34730)
Recording by Steve Rolfe:
Master Audience Cassette; Sony ECM-99 Stereo mic> Sony TC-152; Maxell UDs
Transfer and FLAC encoding by David Minches:
Master played back on Nakamichi Dragon > ART DI/O > Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe soundcard > Cool Edit 2000 > flac encoding > FLAC

AUD2 (shnid 12857)
FOB MAC (taped by Jimmy Warburton, 3rd row
left-center, Sony ECM-99 stereo mic > Sony
TC 152SD master cassette) > playback on Sony
TC 152SD > 1 reel > playback on Akai GX-4000D >
A/D using an ART DI/O into an Egosys Waverterminal
2496 digital sound card > master CD > HP 9350i
extraction using EAC > .shn encoding using mkwACT.
A>D by David Minches, EAC > SHN by Joe Jupille.
Proper sector boundaries verified using shntool
Tech Notes

SHNs were decoded to wave and Audition 3.0 was used to reassemble the tracks back to 1 long wave.  Audition 3.0 was used to align & synch the SBD & AUD sources.  Audition 3.0 used to adjust the volume for AUDs, matrix/CTR and LFE channels.  Surcode CD Pro DTS was used to encode to DTS.
- Mixed by
- FLAC conversion 14-JAN-2008  
Audio Patching

1) At the beginning of soundboard, 13 minutes and 35.193 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD2 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better. This includes all of Let It Rock and first 3 minutes and 38 seconds of All By Myself.

2) Between Let It Rock and All By Myself, 1 minute and 50.175 seconds were missing from the AUD2 source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

3) Between All By Myself and They Love Each Other, 15.385 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

4) Between They Love Each Other and It's Too Late, 17.093 seconds were missing from the audience source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

5) Also between They Love Each Other and It's Too Late, 54.472 seconds were missing from the audience source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

6) Between It's Too Late and Pig's Boogie, 1 minute and 31.520 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

7) Between Pig's Boogie and Sugaree, 28.820 seconds were missing from the audience source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

8) Between Sugaree and Rockin' Pneumonia, 56.904 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

9) 3 minutes and 31 seconds into Rockin' Pneumonia, 37.424 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

10) Between Rockin' Pneumonia and The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, 53.636 seconds were missing from the soundboard source and was filled in with audio from the AUD1 source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.

11) Between The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down and Mystery Train, 14.906 seconds were missing from the audience source and was filled in with audio from the SBD source. This portion of the audio was normalized to blend in better.
DTS-Audio-CD Info

Left Channel SBD  -0db
Right Channel SBD -0db

Mixed to mono -2db SBD

Left Channel -2db AUD
Right Channel -2db AUD

Mixed to mono -2db SBD
More On DTS

Today's audio standards are moving towards multi-channel
sound, like DTS and Dolby Digital. While the Audio-CD
standard (Red Book) hasn't changed to accommodate these
new sound formats, it is still possible to go around the
specification and to put a 5.1 surround recording on a
regular Audio-CD. To play a DTS-Audio-CD you must connect
your DVD/CD player via a digital cable (optical or coaxial)
to your DTS Dolby-Digital receiver. It is not 100% sure
that your receiver will recognize a DTS-Audio CD, so the
first time you're trying to playback a DTS-Audio-CD you
must do a test to determine if it can. Begin with the
volume very low, start the disc and raise the volume
gradually. NEVER listen to a DTS-Audio-CD through the
analog audio outputs of your CD/DVD player.

Burning Instructions

Burn them the absolute same way as you would burn any
normal Audio-CD from FLAC files.

Brokedown House Production

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     9:54.59      104920412 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d1t01.wav
    10:20.25      109426844 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d1t02.wav
     7:52.58       83397260 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d1t03.wav
    10:14.72      108478988 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d1t04.wav
     5:19.45       56377484 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d1t05.wav
     2:45.34       29186012 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t01.wav
     8:43.14       92290172 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t02.wav
     6:08.44       65018732 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t03.wav
     1:22.35       14547164 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t04.wav
     9:35.19      101474732 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t05.wav
     9:05.42       96236828 B   ---   --   -----    wav  1.0000  jgb1975-10-24d2t06.wav
    81:22.72      861354628 B                            1.0000  (11 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jan 14 2008 09:10:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jan 14 2008 09:47:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

jgb1975-10-24.early.dts.m (download)
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51c0f9174d56e14b9b4ea168bfa105d2 *jgb1975-10-24d2t06.flac
jgb1975-10-24.early.dts.f (download)

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