House of Blues, Chicago, IL

Summary (download all files)
Schoeps CCM4V ->Lunatec V2 ->Modified Sony SBM-1; Sony PCM-R500 ->Delta Dio2496 ->Samplitude ->CDWav ->SHN; Taped and transferred by Kevin Hughes; Tracked by Mike Connors

Textdoc (download)
The Disco Biscuits
House Of Blues
Chicago, IL
March 29, 2002

Source:  Schoeps CCM4V ->Lunatec V2 ->Modified Sony SBM-1
Transfer:  Sony PCM-R500 ->Delta Dio2496 ->Samplitude ->CDWav ->SHN
Taped and transferred by Kevin Hughes (
Tracked by Mike Connors(

Disc 1
1.  Banter
2.  And The Ladies Were The Rest Of The Night>
3.  Spacebirdmatingcall>
4.  Shem-Rah Boo>
5.  Down To The Bottom>
6.  And The Ladies Were The Rest Of The Night
7.  Banter, H to the Izzo
8.  Jigsaw Earth>
9.  Mulberry's Dream>
10. Jigsaw Earth>
11. Mulberry's Dream>
12. Jigsaw Earth

Disc 2
1.  Banter
2.  Floodlights
3.  Reactor>
4.  Little Shimmy In A Conga Line>
5.  Reactor
6.  Banter
7.  M.E.M.P.H.I.S.>
8.  Triumph(1)>
9.  Hope

Disc 3 (encore)
1.  Banter
2.  Ulua(2)
3.  Aceetobee

1 Inverted version
2 First time played (Debuted by The Maui Project on 4/8/2000)

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     1:26.48       15283340 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5059  db02-03-29d1t01.shn
     9:47.43      103647980 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6121  db02-03-29d1t02.shn
    10:26.30      110497004 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6011  db02-03-29d1t03.shn
    15:36.48      165223340 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5623  db02-03-29d1t04.shn
     9:24.04       99499052 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5790  db02-03-29d1t05.shn
     2:01.56       21476156 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6435  db02-03-29d1t06.shn
     1:13.43       12978380 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5130  db02-03-29d1t07.shn
     8:02.28       85090700 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5636  db02-03-29d1t08.shn
     8:03.45       85307084 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5385  db02-03-29d1t09.shn
     0:46.08        8133260 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5937  db02-03-29d1t10.shn
     5:39.02       59804348 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5639  db02-03-29d1t11.shn
     2:52.26       30401996 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5491  db02-03-29d1t12.shn
     1:15.27       13293548 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4006  db02-03-29d2t1.shn
     3:13.01       34047596 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6117  db02-03-29d2t2.shn
    12:35.15      133217324 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5661  db02-03-29d2t3.shn
    17:24.06      184175756 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5857  db02-03-29d2t4.shn
     2:56.12       31074668 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5166  db02-03-29d2t5.shn
     0:15.46        2754236 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4564  db02-03-29d2t6.shn
    11:48.57      125025308 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6044  db02-03-29d2t7.shn
     6:58.10       73758764 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5986  db02-03-29d2t8.shn
     8:38.61       91518716 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5521  db02-03-29d2t9.shn
     1:07.52       11941148 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.3938  db02-03-29d3t1.shn
     3:33.72       37742588 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5512  db02-03-29d3t2.shn
    17:16.12      182778668 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5616  db02-03-29d3t3.shn
   162:23.02     1718670960 B                            0.5719  (24 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.6 GB(1718670960 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Apr 08 2002 02:17:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jan 06 2023 23:01:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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