Foxboro Stadium, Foxboro, MA

Summary (download all files)
FM: Denon DRA-25>Pioneer PDR-509>CDR>Roxio Easy Media 8>WAV>FLAC

Textdoc (download)
The Black Crowes at the WBCN River Rave, Foxboro Stadium, Foxboro, MA, May 26, 2001, FM Broadcast.

This was recorded from the original broadcast from Denon DRA-25 receiver onto cdr with Pioneer Cd recorder PDR-509.  cDR converted to Wav with Roxio Easy Media 8, flac with Flac Frontend.

The sound quality gets an A.  This is missing the first song (Midnight From The Inside Out), not sure if it was broadcast.  Joe Perry guests on tracks 06 and 07.  I've previously upped Aerosmith's set, and I plan on adding The Cult eventually.  I felt it would be nice to have some pro-sounding Crowes on here.  Don't sell, and give credit.  Thanks to WBCN for broadcasting this.  Cheers!
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Aug 30 2007 17:09:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Aug 31 2007 13:09:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

bc2001-05-26.md5 (download)
7d81c31d9f0e1fff38376d19b96b81bd *01 - Remedy.flac
09662b75c6427e935988a73e7f159a61 *02 - Greasy Grass River.flac
412b95e240853dde58247fca8ca8e3d7 *03 - Lickin'.flac
0c72e5c6b8c83e74c6b97246f0dab4e3 *04 - Soul Singing.flac
942fd35d713e455a505ae6c2fe07fead *05 - Cosmic Friend.flac
06a49bc3270aeb193e823ce1041712e3 *06 - Jealous Again.flac
dd3d807f5eaee7dad30c4a4488818e32 *07 - Oh Well.flac
826c4dfb574da85231e3944f8f11567e *Black Crowes - 2001-05-26 - Foxboro Stadium, Foxboro, MA [FM].txt

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