Bonnaroo Music Festival, Manchester, TN

Summary (download all files)
(FOB) Neumann KM140 > X-Stream > MP2 > SBM-1 > D-7 > SEK'D Prodif32 > RedRoaster > Plextor 12-10-32 > EAC > Shn

Textdoc (download)
The Del McCoury Band
6 - 22 - 02
Manchester, TN

Neumann KM140 shockmounted -> X-Stream -> Sound Device MP-2 -> 
SBM-1 (Oade mod) -> D-7 @48kHz
farthest stand forward DFC (~25ft back from stage lip) ~12 ft up.  
There were ~8 or so stands behind me.  I was glad my stand was up 
so high here because the crowd was super loud...Del seemed 
quite surprised several times by our enthusiasm.

Conversion:  D-7 -> Prodif32 -> RedRoaster (48>44.1, track ID, fade) -> 
Plextor 12-10-32 -> EAC (100% .wav compare x2) -> .shn via MKW (seek tables appended) 
Taped and Converted by Chris Mescia

setlist, shn, and md5 renamed on 7/12/2002 by 
md5 sig unchanged.


01. Intro
02. Travelin' Teardrop Blues
03. 6 Days On The Road
04. Count Me Out
05. Goldbrickin'
06. Body and Soul
07. Just Because
08. Learnin' The Blues
09. Randy Lynn Rag
10. Nashville Cats
11. I Feel The Blues Moving In
12. Back Up and Push
13. Cold Rain & Snow
14. All Aboard
15. What A Waste Of Good Corn likker
16. Workin' On A Building
17. 1952 Vincent Black Lightning
18. Beauty Of My Dreams
19. Cheek to Cheek With the Blues
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri May 25 2007 12:23:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri May 25 2007 12:24:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
9570b3b109af182ee67dcab46f57656c *DelMcCoury02-06-22t15.shn
b16fbdb6630b4444341ece51d71bb69d *DelMcCoury02-06-22t10.shn
4da61e91c62e93aab39736d4c9ea6593 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t11.shn
df90148706f8b8984e9900759bfa4fff *DelMcCoury02-06-22t12.shn
f51fab48e2ed9d6dcc68fec492623623 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t13.shn
d8a357ea91c65bc8e69c4b621fd460fe *DelMcCoury02-06-22t14.shn
24f260f7d381806cdfcab342cf7d0857 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t01.shn
8968c444e579b0cd257ce53a1630de4e *DelMcCoury02-06-22t16.shn
c7d1e39461f9f960835f2e1ec7f6f004 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t17.shn
4658a11a1ad350c28a24b1107b528e9a *DelMcCoury02-06-22t18.shn
bf85ca0fd8ce878d983ff37e907d6cfb *DelMcCoury02-06-22t19.shn
885b38edbafbee969ceb64817c95bec5 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t02.shn
7a85e0dfca070412d315dd9eeae89522 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t03.shn
e62d09d0c6b9fb18709fb7486791254d *DelMcCoury02-06-22t04.shn
03257703baeca530f0f4f27eb8368ce0 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t05.shn
84c806267a80f3e7793dc5485b1439b5 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t06.shn
9952af20ef43a2d1f4bbf63c5bc0860e *DelMcCoury02-06-22t07.shn
36bd3037d06e8ebe25b126a300f68929 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t08.shn
06943882e358a4055b14944bbf4bfaa9 *DelMcCoury02-06-22t09.shn

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