Pyramid Arena, Memphis, TN

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Recording Info: FOB DFC Schoeps Mk4 cardiod capsules > Schoeps kc5 active cables > Schoeps CMC6 mic body > monster m1000 jumper cable > Apogee AD500e A/D converter > Casio DA-R100 DAT Deck (Master DAT) Transfer Info: DAT from the collection of Todd Evans and Adam Gross
DAT Transfer by: Todd Evans DAT > TASCAM DA-20 (S/PDIF out) -> Apogee Wide Eye S/PDIF interconnect -> LynxTWO-A Audio Reference Interface (S/PDIF in) -> Wavelab 6.0

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
April 01, 1995
Memphis, Teneesee
The Pyramid Arena 

Recording Info:  FOB DFC 
Schoeps Mk4 cardiod capsules > Schoeps kc5 active cables > Schoeps CMC6 mic body > monster m1000 jumper cable > Apogee AD500e A/D converter > Casio DA-R100 DAT Deck (Master DAT)

Transfer Info:   DAT from the collection of Todd Evans and Adam Gross
DAT Transfer by: Todd Evans DAT > TASCAM DA-20 (S/PDIF out) -> Apogee Wide Eye S/PDIF interconnect -> LynxTWO-A Audio Reference Interface (S/PDIF in) -> Wavelab 6.0
Transfer Date: 2007

Editing Info:
All editing and mastering by Andy Foust
Wavelab 5.0 using Ozone and L3 for dither
April 15, 2007

-slight pop at 09 secs d1t1 patched with right channel
-several loud claps lowered in d1t10

a **GEMS**  Production

-Disc 1-
Set 1
01. tuning
02. Bucket
03. Candyman
04. Take Me to The River*
05. Lazy River Road
06. Masterpiece+
07. Childhood's End
08. Deal
Set 2
09. tuning
10. Foolish Heart
11. Way To Go

-Disc 2-
Set 2 cont.
01. Saint
02. Eyes-> 
03. Drums->
04. Space->
05. Wheel-> 
06. Watchtower->
07. Standing On The Moon
08. E: Saturday Night

*first time played
+Weir on acoustic 


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b7865e11f567681d3a39e80004533071 *gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t08.flac

length     expanded size   cdr  WAVE problems filename
     1:30.67       16033628    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t01.flac
     7:32.65       79885724    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t02.flac
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     9:38.56      102090956    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t08.flac
     2:09.25       22814444    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t09.flac
    14:08.57      149721308    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t10.flac
     6:43.50       71206844    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d1t11.flac
     8:12.36       86873516    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t01.flac
    11:19.32      119850908    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t02.flac
    12:22.29      130957052    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t03.flac
    14:49.05      156831404    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t04.flac
     6:04.00       64209644    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t05.flac
     5:53.04       62278652    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t06.flac
    12:23.67      131222828    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t07.flac
     5:22.36       56885516    ---   --   ---xx   gd95-04-01.GEMS.d2t08.flac
   150:16.24     1590479684 B                     (totals for 19 files, 0.5674 overall compression ratio)

From the Road with Todd Evans

Grateful Dead
The Pyramid

Schoeps Mk4 cardiod capsules > Schoeps kc5 active cables > Schoeps CMC6 mic body > monster m1000 jumper cable > Apogee AD500e A/D converter > Casio DA-R100 DAT Deck (Master DAT)

This show is in GEMS editing now and will appear shortly � but a little background for you about FOB Taping, Memphis in April, and the Good Old Days.

Drove through the night from Cleveland to Memphis with Adam and Dominic. Missed a turn and went to Knoxville, turned west and added a few hours to the trip, got a speeding ticket trying to make up lost time, didn�t pay it. Thank goodness for statute of limitations � I am free at last !

March 30, 1995

Never visited Memphis before. Pulled into the Peabody Hotel. Ducks getting out of the elevator form the rooftop and walking across the lobby (indeed this happened and wasn�t a hallucination).  Go to our room and it just wasn�t right for three guys spending a few nights in Memphis seeing the Dead. We expressed our dissatisfaction to the manager who then showed us 3 rooms to our continued dissatisfaction. Being the true Sothern gentleman that he was, the manager showed us to the William Faulkner suite. Yes, this would do and we stayed there for three nights without a rate increase all in the name of southern hospitality.

I schedule an appointment for a massage (it seemed the sensible night before a show thing to do to relieve the stress of traveling). While waiting for the appointed time, I watch Adam screwing around with one of those new fangled child proof lighters and a pocket knife, when all of a sudden the child proof lock comes flying off of the lighter and hits Adam in the eye and scratches his cornea. Dominic mentions that he has heard that cocaine was used as an anesthetic for eye surgery. Luckily another acquaintance from earlier in the day was able to doctor up a Visine bottle and Adam is good as new. So, off to my massage. 

Now mind you, this is a legitimate massage at the Peabody. A beautiful blond arrives to give me a deep tissue massage. Now I am taken back a little since my Schvitz in Cleveland had Russian employees of strong hands but lacking in the beauty that was now before me. My masseur is regaling me with stories of how Cybil Shepherd is her regular customer (Cybil is from or lived in Memphis) � however, fingers are straying and needless to say the massage took on an exciting tone. And with that my blond masseur jumps back and says in her full southern accent � my I have messed you up, I am sorry. Of course I tell this story to Adam and Dominic and of course Cindy my fianc� and soon to be wife gets the scoop and to this day gives me shit about my 6 weeks prior to our wedding indiscretion.

So, massage is done, eye properly anesthetized and drinks at the Peabody rooftop bar wholly consumed. It�s time to find dinner. Adam, Dom and I stumble across the lobby and while looking for duck shit we walk out the door, across the street and down an alley. A block or two down the alley later, we are standing in front of the Rendezvous � a BBQ Rib restaurant that we are soon to find out has some of the best ribs on this planet. We go in thoroughly hungry and find an hour and a half wait in front of us. As we stand there trying to figure out what to do, the hostess keeps calling for Dr. XYZ (can�t remember the name). I turn around and say sorry, I didn�t hear you our party is right here. The hostess smiles and says my how you have lost weight and look younger than your last visit. Obviously on to us since we are not her regular, she seats us immediately anyway. Ever since that meal I have changed the way I cook ribs � dry rub with sweet tangy BBQ sauce in a squeeze ketchup bottle is the only way to go.

April 1, 1995

The previous summer (1994), I made about 5,000 embroidered hats with the Bertha Dancing Skeleton, SYF and dancing bears logo�s. I had about three hundred left and brought them with me to Memphis (I was sure that the Peabody would want payment at some point). So on 4/1 Adam and I head to the parking lots of the Pyramid and took up our �merch operating procedure.� This meant that I would have the backpack with 25 hats or so and I kept the money. Adam would have 3 hats (one of each embroidered logo) and go car to car selling. When he needed change or more hats, I would swoop in and help out. $10 each or three for $30 (I�m not kidding, you wouldn�t believe how many people would say, oh in that case give me 3).  In this manner when GDP would ride up on their golf cart, Adam would lose a few hats and not have any money in his pocket. So for the day we sold about 150 hats, made about $1500, lost 2 or 3 to GDP and scored some electric Snickers bars for the show.

In the taper line, I met up with some friends from The WELL and we had our FOB taping crew ready to go. We generally had FOB seats and we settled into the right spot, made friends, saw other FOB folks and the party ensued. Electric Snickers for all and away we go. Can�t remember if we hand held the mics or if they were on a stand. Remember thinking how Jerry doesn�t look good � on the ride down we speculated on hearing river songs (on the Mississippi), maybe Candyman � liked Saint, Eyes and SOTM. Successfully pulled the tape (although I haven�t listed to the DAT master in over 10 years).

After the show, humanity was flowing out from the Pyramid and one point the crowd that is multi-lane-wide has to funnel through a bottleneck (buildings on each side of the road instead of open parking lots). It�s funny how when you are partaking of the bread of life (the electric snickers) how you SEE things � not hallucinations but rather the tenor of a crowd, or how music feels like colors, etc. Well, when Adam and I were walking through the bottleneck we got the distinct feeling of people fishing. It was weird, we stopped and talked about it and stood to the side to observe. We soon discovered that there were six or so people interspersed in the bottleneck just beckoning out. Are you lost? Lonely? Are you ok? Do you need to talk? Each of these lines were cast as if they were from a fishing pole. And every once in a while someone would stop and talk with the �fisherman�. We followed one of the fisherman and fish and the fisherman lead the girl back to the �Shalom Bus.�  And it all made sense. The folks in the Shalom family were reaching out. Don�t know why, what the goal was, if it was good or other. But, the electric snickers gave Adam and I the radar or presence or whatever it was to sense this. We went back and watched for an hour. It was really as if they were fishing.

The next day (4/2) we went to Graceland, Sun Records and found a few more BBQ restaurants.

Life was full on � eyes wide open � possibilities endless � the bizarre was routine.

Nothing like a GD show, the friends, the good times and the best f**ckin tapes in the house � along with the other FOB crews that night.


Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Apr 16 2007 06:52:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jun 30 2008 13:02:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
flac-md5 (download)
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