SHNID 84041 Gov't Mule 1998-11-10
Cabooze, Minneapolis, MN

Summary (download all files)
Source: DSBD (48kHz)

Transfer: Tascam DA-20mkII>Audio Magic X-stream > Digi-Coax>DiO2448>Sound Forge 5.0>CDWav>FLAC (level 8)

Textdoc (download)
Gov`t Mule
1998 - 11 - 10
Minneapolis, MN

WARREN  HAYNES - guitar & vocals
MATT  ABTS - drums
ALLEN  WOODY - bass & mandolin

Unknown Taper / THANX :-)
Source: DSBD (48kHz)
Transfer: Tascam DA-20mkII>Audio Magic X-stream 
Digi-Coax>DiO2448>Sound Forge 5.0>CDWav>FLAC (level 8)
Seeded By BluesOxator (I`m not the taper of this show)

CD - 1 -
01. Thorazine Shuffle
02. Wandering Child
03. Don't Step On The 
      Grass, Sam
04. Devil Likes It Slow
05. 32-20 Blues *
06. Nasty Dogs & Funky Kings
07. Life Before Insanity
08. Day Tripper Bass Jam >
      She Said, She Said >
      Tomorrow Never Knows
      Jam > Norwegian Wood
      tease > Tomorrow Never
      Knows Jam outro

CD - 2 -
01. Smokestack Lightning >
02. Lively Up Yourself >
03. Drums >
04. Omega Mule
05. Blind Man In The Dark
06. If I Had Possession Over 
      Judgment Day
encore :
07. Come On In My Kitchen 
      intro *> It Hurts Me Too *

Setlist Notes :
* Kelly Hoppe on harmonica 

There are a couple of errors (during Smokestack Lightning) and 
I didn't do any editing of the recording.  It still sounds good, though.    
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Apr 10 2007 16:27:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Apr 11 2007 10:25:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.ffp (download)
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