SHNID 840 Phish 1999-07-15
PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ

Summary (download all files)
Schoeps M222 tubes/MK4V caps> Lunatec V2> Apogee AD 1000> HHB; d2t2
and d3t7 (crowd noise) are _identical_ to simplify alternate tracking
(see info file); via M. Nutter, G. Lisher, Matt; d1t9, d2t1, d3t4 misc
minor clicks and skips (see blemish notes)

Textdoc (download)
original info file below, followed by additional blemish notes:

Phish 15 July 1999
PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ

source: Schoeps M222 tubes/MK4V caps>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD 1000>HHB
_Huge_ thanks are due to the estimable Marc Nutter for
making this tape!  Folks, you may not be aware of this,
but Marc taped the entire tour with this (IMHO _very_
nice) rig, and shortly after the tour (at his own expense)
sent DATs of every show to various people to make sure
that every show would get out there.  This (again IMHO)
is the sort of random act of kindness we should all
aspire to.  Thank you, Marc.  That was a really cool
thing to do.

And thanks to Greg Lisher for providing the source DAT,
without which you wouldn't be listening to these discs,
or reading this excessively long file... *g*

DAP1>TB Fiji S/PDIF>Cool Edit 48-to-44.1 kHz downsample
(pre/post filter, max quality) > cdwav

Matt says:

***PLEASE NOTE*** that d2t2 and d3t7 (the crowd
noise between the end of set II and the encore) are
_identical_ to simplify burning of the alternate
tracking.  You might consider downloading only
the one involved in the tracking you plan to use.

Set II was difficult to track: it's about 72:00, and
they never come to a full stop.  I decided I'd
rather preserve the segues than preserve sequence,
so I put the encores on disc 2 with YEM.  If you'd
rather preserve sequence, the best break is before
Bouncin', and you'll want to use the tracking:

Disc 1: doesn't change
Disc 2: d2t1, d3t1-d3t4
Disc 3: d3t5-d3t7, d2d2-d2d4

If you're using the 'default' tracking, you might
consider omitting d3t7 since it's crowd noise with
no music after it.  Here's the 'default' tracklist:

Disc 1:
1. Punch You In The Eye >
2. Ghost >
3. Farmhouse
4. Horn
5. Poor Heart
6. Axilla (I with the II ending)
7. Theme From The Bottom
8. I Didn't Know
9. The Sloth

Disc 2:

1. You Enjoy Myself
2. <post-II crowd noise>
3. Brian & Robert
4. Frankenstein

Disc 3:
1. Meatstick >
2. Split Open and Melt >
3. Kung >
4. Jam >
5. Bouncing Around The Room >
6. Chalkdust Torture
7. <post-II crowd noise>

additional blemish notes:
Phish 15 July 1999
PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ

source by Marc Nutter: Schoeps M222 tubes/MK4 caps>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD 1000>HHB

DAP1>TB Fiji S/PDIF>Cool Edit 48-to-44.1 kHz downsample
(pre/post filter, max quality) > cdwav

Super-pickiness notes by Diana Hamilton:
I picked up a few minor blemishes on 3 different tracks on the unshortened .wavs.
There are no other flaws to my ear. Don't let these little things stop you from getting a
 copy of this wonderful show, reminiscent '97 in spots! (Is it just me or does the YEM
echo the one from 7/9/97?) Thanks to Matt, Marc et al for making this fine music

As per the 'default' tracklist:

Disc 1:
9. The Sloth
0:53 micro-skating?; 1:10 click; 1:12 skip;

Disc 2:
1. You Enjoy Myself
8:48 click/microskip; 9:10 click;
1:11 skip (poss loop? hard to tell since it's in a repetitive jam);
14:37 skip; 16:19 click; 18:28 skip; 19:53 click; 22:00 soft pop

Disc 3:
4. Jam >
4:43 skip; 4:45 click
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Jul 01 2000 22:21:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri May 12 2023 09:29:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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