SHNID 81446 Garcia 1976-08-22
Keystone, Berkeley, CA
Summary (download all files)
JGB: Audio DVD with 3 audio tracks - No video Track 1: MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN (shnid 15672) patched with Unknown AUD > ? > CD (shnid 80165), patching/Flac by Kevin Tobin (shnid 81255) Track 2: Unknown AUD > ? > CD > EAC > tracking (CD Wave v1.94.8) > editing (Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 7.0) > sector boundary alignment (shntool) > level 8 FLAC encoding (FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 etree edition) > speed correction and patching. EAC>>FLAC by missingfinger, pitching and patching by Kevtobin. (shnid 81065) Track 3: DTS Audio 5.1; Mix SBD:MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD; Unknown AUD > ? > CD; mixed by Kevin Tobin (shnid 81256)
Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band Keystone Berkeley, CA August 22, 1976 Audio DVD with 3 audio tracks - No video SBD=shnid 81255 AUD=shnid 81065 DTS=shnid 81256 --Set I-- Second That Emotion They Love Each Other I'll Take a Melody That's What Love Will Make You Do Mission in the Rain --Set II-- The Way You Do The Things You Do Midnight Moonlight Strange Man Tore Up Over You Stop That Train Ride Mighty High Notes -SBD audio courtesy of missingfingers -AUD audio courtesy of missingfingers -Audio synchronization by Kevin Tobin using Adobe Audition to compress/expand the audio in multitrack mode to match the original audio. -DTS encoding via Surcode DVD-DTS by Kevin Tobin -Multiplexing via DVDMaestro by Kevin Tobin. -DVD authoring via DVDMaestro by Kevin Tobin. Source Information: Audio Track 1 - MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN (shnid 15672) patched with Unknown AUD > ? > CD (shnid 80165), patching/Flac by Kevin Tobin ------------------- original shnid 15762 information ------------------ MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN Notes/Flaws: - d1t01 Second That Emotion fades in, not much missing - d1t04 TWLWMYD cut/splice @ 1:48 - d2t04 Strange Man cut/splice @ 4:30 A MisSHN in the Rain Installment of the Music Never Stopped Project. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- patched with Unknown AUD > ? > CD (shnid 81065) provided by missingfinger Notes/Flaws: 1) First 24.200 seconds of Tuning/Second That Emotion patched from audience to start disk 1. 2) Between Second that Emotion and They Love Each Other - 41.200 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 3) Between They Love Each Other and I'll Take a Melody - 1 minute and 00.200 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 4) Approx 1 minute 48 seconds in That's What Love Will Make You Do - 17.800 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 5) Between The Way You Do The Things You Do and Midnight Moonlight - 1 minute and 06.400 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 6) Between Midnight Moonlight and Strange Man - 40.700 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 7) Approx 4 minute 30 seconds in Strange Man - 23.500 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 8) Between Strange Man and Tore Up - 24.600 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 9) Between Tore Up and Stop That Train - 51.700 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 10) Between Stop That Train and Ride Mighty High - 1 minute and 10.000 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. This sbd was patched with audience from Missingfinger while working on a dts version of this show. - Mixed by - FLAC conversion 27-DEC-2006 Audio Track 2 - Unknown AUD > ? > CD > EAC > tracking (CD Wave v1.94.8) > editing (Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 7.0) > sector boundary alignment (shntool) > level 8 FLAC encoding (FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 etree edition) > speed correction and patching. EAC>>FLAC by missingfinger, pitching and patching by Kevtobin. ------------------- Original shnid 81065 information ------------- Unknown AUD > ? > CD > EAC > tracking (CD Wave v1.94.8) > editing (Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 7.0) > sector boundary alignment (shntool) > level 8 FLAC encoding (FLAC Frontend v1.7.1 etree edition). EAC>>FLAC by missingfinger. Notes: - What a delightful recording this is! It is fat and full and in-your- face. There is hiss suggestive of a gen or two off the master, but IMO this does not detract from a fine listening experience. - Only edits undertaken were as follows: d1t04 ITAM tick @ 1:34, smoothed with pencil tool; d1t04 ITAM gap @ 15:22, deleted and smoothed with only a staticky sound now remaining; smoothing a few tape transitions during tuning; I considered attempting a DC offset correction on the L channel, but the previewed fix just didn't look like it was going to make much of a difference, and given the low-end software being used, I refrained from doing the edit. - There are mic adjustments just before the start of Second That Emotion. These are not errors at the track marker. - d1t03 TLEO inferior sound at 1:08-1:17, with a tick @ 1:17. - d2t04, noodling out of Strange Man is clipped. - No other flaws noted, but there are various mic bumps and could well be other anomalies. Special thanks to Steven Martin for the source CDs! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- patched with MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN (shnid 15762) Notes/Flaws: 1) Approx 15 minute 22 seconds in I'll Take A Melody - 1.528 seconds were missing from aud - patched and normalized from sbd. 2) Between I'll Take A Melody and That's What Love Will Make You Do - 52.179 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. 3) Approx 7 minute 11 seconds in That's What Love Will Make You Do - 1 minute and 39.988 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. 4) Between Strange Man and Tore Up - 12.990 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. This audience was patched with the circulating sbd while working on a dts version of this show. I matched the speed of this recording to the reel master sbd - it was a bit slow overall (about 1.2 second per minute). - Pathced by - FLAC conversion 27-DEC-2006 Audio Track 3 - DTS Audio 5.1; Mix SBD:MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips) > 1C > DAT > CD; Unknown AUD > ? > CD; mixed by Kevin Tobin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech Notes SHNs were decoded to wave and Audition 1.0 was used to reassemble the tracks back to 1 long wave. Audition 1.0 was used to align & synch the both SBD & AUD sources. Audition 1.0 used to adjust the volume for the AUD, matrix/CTR and LFE channels. Surcode DVD Pro DTS was used to encode to DTS. - Mixed by - FLAC conversion 27-DEC-2006 --------------------------------------------------------- DTS-Audio-CD Info Front Left Channel Combination SBD Right Channel Combination SBD Center Mixed to mono -3.0db Combination SBD Surround Left Channel -1.5db AUD Right Channel -1.5db AUD Sub/LFE Mixed to mono -3.0db Combination SBD --------------------------------------------------------- I matched the speed of this recording to the RM sbd - audience was a bit slow overall (about 1.2 second per minute). Audio Patching: 1) First 24.200 seconds of Tuning/Second That Emotion patched from audience to start disk 1. 2) Between Second that Emotion and They Love Each Other - 41.200 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 3) Between They Love Each Other and I'll Take a Melody - 1 minute and 00.200 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 4) Approx 15 minute 22 seconds in I'll Take A Melody - 1.528 seconds were missing from aud - patched and normalized from sbd. 5) Between I'll Take A Melody and That's What Love Will Make You Do - 52.179 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. 6) Approx 1 minute 48 seconds in That's What Love Will Make You Do - 17.800 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 7) Approx 7 minute 11 seconds in That's What Love Will Make You Do - 1 minute and 39.988 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. 8) Between The Way You Do The Things You Do and Midnight Moonlight - 1 minute and 06.400 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 9) Between Midnight Moonlight and Strange Man - 40.700 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 10) Approx 4 minute 30 seconds in Strange Man - 23.500 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 11) Between Strange Man and Tore Up - 12.990 seconds were missing from audience - patched and normalized from sbd. 12) Between Strange Man and Tore Up - 24.600 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 13) Between Tore Up and Stop That Train - 51.700 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. 14) Between Stop That Train and Ride Mighty High - 1 minute and 10.000 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from audience. -------------------------------------------------------
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SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
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Created At
Sat Jan 06 2007 12:47:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jan 06 2007 16:04:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
all.md5 (download)
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