Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, WI

Summary (download all files)
AUD> Nakamichi 300 microphones> Sony D5 deck> master cassette; Playback/CD Transfer: Master cassette played on Denon DRM740 and fed to Tascam CDRW700; Recorded, transferred by Scott Bille; Eac(secure)> Shn by Greg Kerbel; Seeded through the 80's Audience Perma-Tree, BUDD, Philzone; see flaw notes in info file

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Alpine Valley Music Theatre
East Troy WI

Source: AUD>Nakamichi 300 microphones>Sony D5 deck>master cassette
Playback/CD Transfer: Master cassette played on Denon DRM740 and
fed to Tascam CDRW700 for CD burning
Recorded and transferred to CD by Scott Bille
Eac(secure)>Shn transfer by Greg Kerbel
Seeded through the 80's Audience Perma-Tree

Note: All noted glitches are on master CDs

Disc 1 - Set 1

1. Feel Like A Stranger*
2. Franklin's Tower
3. Walking Blues
4. Row Jimmy
5. Tons Of Steel
6. When Push Comes To Shove**
7. Cassidy
8. Deal

*=1-2 seconds missing at beginning; some level fluctuation first 45 seconds; glitch/click at 4:07; 
dropout from 5:31-5:35; dropout from 6:26-6:27

**=splice at beginning - crowd noise missing; last note cut at 4:34

Disc 2 - Set 2

1. China Cat Sunflower*>
2. I Know You Rider
3. Estimated Prophet**>
4. Eyes Of The World>
5. Drums ...

*=1-2 seconds missing at beginning

**=splice at very beginning with some crowd missing and level change - it almost sounds like this song 
was spliced in from a different source or something; 
cut/splice at 11:29 with a second or so of silence as they go into Eyes -level change

Disc 3 - Set 2 cont.

1. ...Space>
2. Gimme Some Lovinl>
3. The Wheel>
4. All Along The Watchtower>
5. Black Peter>
6. Around And Around>
7. Sugar Magnolia


8. Touch Of Grey*

*=cut/spiice right at beginning with some crowd noise missing first note or two is missing
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Mar 11 2002 09:14:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Sep 24 2009 08:53:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn-md5 (download)
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