SHNID 80458 Conehead Buddha 1995-02-02
Suny Albany Ballroom, Albany, NY
Summary (download all files)
Source: SBD > Cass/1 > CDWAV > Audacity 1.0.0 > FLAC; Recorded By: Rich Lemire
Textdoc (download)
Conehead Buddha Sigma Phi/American Cancer Society Event SUNY Albany Ballroom Albany NY 2/2/95 Source: SBD > Cass/1 > CDWAV > Audacity 1.0.0 > FLAC Recorded By: Rich Lemire Mixed By: Brian Bowes Remastered By: Taperwayne ( One Set: 1. Thank You 2. Revolution 3. Vinnie 4. Whatchya Doin? 5. Gotta Have Fun 6. I Wanna Be Like You! 7. S.W.M > 8. Hole In Your Bucket > 9. S.W.M Special thanks to Rich Lemire for the source tape! Fixes: The right channel feed from the SBD was much stronger and cleaner than the left so I created a mono mix from the right (the feed was mono anyway) and boosted the levels a bit. Also added fades at the beginning and the end of the recording. Line Up: Chris Fisher Chris Kennedy Jim McCuen Walt Bauer Terry Lynch Pete Bencini **FLAC FINGERPRINTS** b7d23ee700bb597599656cee57938e45 *chb1995-02-02d1t01.flac 2ee72b8e2a20514518ac7cb44de2c001 *chb1995-02-02d1t02.flac 5bf8fb7ce54240f7e5a924989d66fdd5 *chb1995-02-02d1t03.flac 9bec485dd2205c6c992d5f1d8473f1e2 *chb1995-02-02d1t04.flac d656ba62e22452203e4c0070b022954f *chb1995-02-02d1t05.flac 3c12019264a9ac47798ed6f49b6a7751 *chb1995-02-02d1t06.flac bc3c9a287b0dc78a52c84ba637d422b2 *chb1995-02-02d1t07.flac 99b42766d7da9827c1ab8f0b88de1f08 *chb1995-02-02d1t08.flac c998248a0a2d8d6117a6b68365173c56 *chb1995-02-02d1t09.flac
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Nov 29 2006 22:38:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jul 21 2011 18:20:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
md5 (download)
b7d23ee700bb597599656cee57938e45 *chb1995-02-02d1t01.flac 2ee72b8e2a20514518ac7cb44de2c001 *chb1995-02-02d1t02.flac 5bf8fb7ce54240f7e5a924989d66fdd5 *chb1995-02-02d1t03.flac 9bec485dd2205c6c992d5f1d8473f1e2 *chb1995-02-02d1t04.flac d656ba62e22452203e4c0070b022954f *chb1995-02-02d1t05.flac 3c12019264a9ac47798ed6f49b6a7751 *chb1995-02-02d1t06.flac bc3c9a287b0dc78a52c84ba637d422b2 *chb1995-02-02d1t07.flac 99b42766d7da9827c1ab8f0b88de1f08 *chb1995-02-02d1t08.flac c998248a0a2d8d6117a6b68365173c56 *chb1995-02-02d1t09.flac
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