SHNID 80050 Obsidian 2006-11-18
Doug's Living Room, Novato, CA
Summary (download all files)
Source: Mono-SBD -> Roland Mixer -> Laptop (1/4" xyz cable) -> WAV (via Audobe Audition v1.5 @ 16/44.1); Lineage: Wav -> Flac lvl 8 (via TLH)
Textdoc (download)
Obsidian 11/18/2006 Doug Harman's Living Room Novato, Ca Source: Mono-SBD -> Roland Mixer -> Laptop (1/4" xyz cable) -> WAV (via Audobe Audition v1.5 @ 16/44.1) Lineage: Wav -> Flac lvl 8 (via TLH) 1. Big Bang [12:25] 2. One And A Half [15:08] 3. Cosmic Space Muffin [16:12] Personnel: Danny Jordan - Drums Jason Mauch - Bass James Harman - Guitar Garret Leutbecher - Keys Notes: - This is our first ever SBD recording, we are pleased with it. - The drums were mic'd using two very very quality microphones, I don't know the brand or model number, but our Drummer borrowed them from his friend who has a nice recording rig. One mic was placed ~ 2 feet above his highest symbol, and the other down at his bass drum with a foam wall around it to block any uneccessary noise. The guitar was mic'd using a very quality micrphone. The bass & keys were connected through direct out lines.
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Created At
Mon Nov 20 2006 21:45:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jul 23 2011 18:22:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
1.BigBang.flac:a06b59c0973e480dfc0589d812af7e02 2.OneAnAHalf.flac:1eaf4c30382231d00d3ab1c2872d58ff 3.CosmicMuffin.flac:32e01fffd6489df2606ba1d8f82421e8
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