Henry Fonda Theatre, Hollywood, CA

Summary (download all files)
Edie Brickell & New Bohemians

Panasonic PV-GS33 (LP mode, 16 bit PCM) > Sound Studio > xACT > flac16

Textdoc (download)
Edie Brickell and New Bohemians
October 16, 2006
Henry Fonda Theatre
Hollywood, California, USA

Attention Bootleggers: 

A Steady Viper Production 

Taped and seeded by: Stripeydave 
Lineage: Panasonic PV-GS33 Camcorder MiniDV (Handheld), shot in LP mode, 
16-bit PCM Audio 
Recorded from the left side of house, about 30 ft back from main stacks.

Tracks split using Sound Studio (mac); fade-out added at end of show.
FLAC Level8 by xACT, which also was used to check for SBEs and to generate

Setlist: (Thanks to Przybylinski for the song titles)

1. Stranger Things
2. No Dinero
3. Nothing
4. The Wheel
5. Strings of Love
6. Wear You Down
7. Buffalo Ghost
8. Drums>Jam>
9. Love Like We Do
10. Air Of December
11. Spanish Style Guitar
12. Long Lost Friend
13. What I Am
14. Improv (Walking)
15. Circle
16. Encore Break
17. Beat The Time
18. Mainline Cherry
19. Elephant and Ants (Thanks to Waxdoll for the last track)

Time: 100:45 (m:s) 

Stripeydave says: 
This show like all of my shows is dedicated to my family.

t is however, also dedicated to Steve "Spit" Spitalny, an old friend, not
forgotten. Thanks!

Thank you to the band for a beautiful show. Thanks again to Przybylinski for
the song titles! This community of people is truly amazing! It would have been
easy to post this without song tracks, or with just the few I knew, but a simple
post brought, not only the song titles, but a way to be able to provide the
entire show to you as my tape was missing the last 8 or so minutes of the last
track. So extra thanks to Waxdoll, who offered up his last track to replace
mine. I tried to match the levels as best as I could but I am a rank amateur at
this. I hope you like the effort and the show. It's nice to be a part of this
gracious group of people who post and bring the love.

So keep your windows open please and try to upload as much as you download. I
understand it may be tough on dialup, so if you can't, no worries... just try to
share it with as many people as you can by other methods, preferably through
random acts of kindness.

One last thing, if you like this show then please go out and buy their albums.
You won't be disappointed. Support live Independent Music!
The life you save will be your own! 

Attention Bootleggers: 
brought to you by the letter 3.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Nov 12 2006 22:18:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu May 17 2007 02:03:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
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