SHNID 78808 Gov't Mule 2005-12-29
Beacon Theater, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Source:Neumann KM184>Edirol UA-5>PC with CDWAV

Textdoc (download)
Gov't Mule
Beacon Theater, NYC

Disc 1
1.Mr. Man>
2.Perfect Shelter>
3.Lola Leave Your Light On>
4.Livin' Lovin' Maid
5.She Said She Said>
6.Tomorrow Never Knows Jam
7.Tastes Like Wine
8.Banks Of The Deep End
10.32-20 Blues (w/Ron Holloway on sax)

Disc 2
1.Game Face>
2.Mountain Jam>
3.Game Face
4.Johnny Bratton Jam
5.Hunger Strike>
6.Dear Mr. Fantasy>
7.Hunger Strike
8.Wandering Child>
10.Devil Likes It Slow (W/Ron Holloway on sax)

Disc 3
1.Oh Well
2.Little Toy Brain
3.Lively Up Yourself
5.E:John The Revelator

Notes:  I screwed up my levels at the beginning during Mr. Man, so there may be some clipping and abrupt level changes.  It doesn\'t sound as bad as I thought it would.  The mics were hanging down off the Loge railing so there should be very little in terms of close-range crowd noise.

Source:Neumann KM184>Edirol UA-5>PC with CDWAV
Location:Mics hanging on gooseneck (approx. 15 inches down from railing), right center aisle of Loge.  Mics aimed at stacks
Normalized to 100% using Audacity
Track splits and converted to FLAC with CDWAV
Taper:Yossi Pollak
Seeded by Yossi Pollak (
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Oct 06 2006 08:46:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Nov 13 2006 07:15:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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