SHNID 77097 Jackie Greene 2004-07-30
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA
Textdoc (download)
Jackie Greene Band July 30, 2004 Fillmore Auditorium SF, CA **opening set before Los Lobos** SBD > DAT(?) > CDR X ?? > CDR > EAC > Flac Frontend CD: Jackie Greene Band - 2004-07-30-sbd-fillmore 01. introduction [0:01:07.16] 02. Judgement Day [0:03:14.18] 03. Tell Me Mama, Tell Me Right [0:04:30.78] 04. The Lord Mistreats Me [0:04:44.33] 05. The Rusty Nail [0:04:18.85] 06. Seven Jealous Sisters [0:05:07.60] 07. Mexican Girl [0:04:50.98] 08. Freeport Boulevard [0:05:23.08] 09. Gone Wanderin' [0:03:53.62] 10. Down In the Valley Woe [0:05:27.49] 11. Encore: Sweet Somewhere Bound [0:04:56.49] Thanks to Lobos Guru Dan for the CD!! Be sure to check out Los Lobos if you enjoy music, spirit, & FUN! ("the best band in the world" - Jackie Greene on Los Lobos January 7, 2005) Here's a tasty treat in honor of the announcement of the Jackie Greene Band's upcoming headlining gig at the Fillmore Auditorium (July 23, 2005!). While this recording is neither the first time the band played at the Fillmore (opening for Susan Tedeschi 2003...I think) nor the first time they paired up with the unbelievable Los IS a wonderful document of the group firing on all cylinders & winning over the crowd. This was the second night of the Lobos' stand that produced the wonderful Los Lobos Live CD/DVD "Live at the Fillmore" and the crowd is understandably pumped for the festivities. From the sounds of it, this opening set kicked things off right and resulted in the band being called back for an encore by the appreciative, professional, & loyal Los Lobos audience. This earlier incarnation of the Jackie Greene Band performed these shows: Jackie Greene - guitars, piano, harmonica, vocals Ben Lefever - drums Hence Phillips - bass, vocals THIS RECORDING IS TO BE SHARED FOR FREE. DO NOT SELL THIS RECORDING EVER. If you see someone selling this recording RUN--that is just BAD KARMA and an anvil is likely to fall from the sky upon them. tsk-tsk. MP3 conversions for personal players should never be burned to media nor substituted for this FLAC lossless format! Distribute the complete work, save the cliff's notes for your personal study sessions, please. Get out there & see the Jackie Greene Band! Make recordings, make friends, make friends recordings! more info: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> everybody's brother & knight of the stringed instruments: Hence Phillips! <a href=""></a> and "the best band in the world" according to Jackie Greene: Los Lobos <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> PEACE, LOVE, & REVOLUTION! jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t01.flac:c617cefad075a84ba004ffaa40145f3c jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t02.flac:ee04c62c89c3a29a6112b69f98933e34 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t03.flac:c1301990ca1eb82bb3af31e32b135955 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t04.flac:6d05c7acdb8ef353a78cb395147648be jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t05.flac:7de5e42b638ebc172f438fbf9b739481 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t06.flac:d80e11b1537498aa9bdfc8a9bdc5d266 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t07.flac:d34671756b1d2aa36cdcf6d2eda00823 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t08.flac:891416d8a6375ad2abe2a7ea2f917078 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t09.flac:f26169b43cfa72745c664e0dc0c64963 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t10.flac:5253737dbf1cc7674579693cb350eb1a jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t11.flac:7fca659f5261057d1132d74926fd606b
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Thu Aug 31 2006 22:44:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Mar 18 2011 21:10:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t01.flac:c617cefad075a84ba004ffaa40145f3c jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t02.flac:ee04c62c89c3a29a6112b69f98933e34 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t03.flac:c1301990ca1eb82bb3af31e32b135955 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t04.flac:6d05c7acdb8ef353a78cb395147648be jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t05.flac:7de5e42b638ebc172f438fbf9b739481 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t06.flac:d80e11b1537498aa9bdfc8a9bdc5d266 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t07.flac:d34671756b1d2aa36cdcf6d2eda00823 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t08.flac:891416d8a6375ad2abe2a7ea2f917078 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t09.flac:f26169b43cfa72745c664e0dc0c64963 jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t10.flac:5253737dbf1cc7674579693cb350eb1a jgreene2004-07-30-sbd-t11.flac:7fca659f5261057d1132d74926fd606b
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